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We had been walking for at least two hours before we spotted any real sign of life.

Verity lent down to examine the tracks, which from where we standing looked like paw prints.

"Too big to be coyote" she murmured to herself while running her hand across the dirt, "I think they are wolf tracks," she said without taking her eyes off the ground.

I walked closer to her and knelt down beside her to take a better look.

"Do you think that they're from wild wolves?" I asked, looking up at Asher.

He knelt down beside us and studied them closely.

"Too big," he said standing back up straight "We have to keep moving, we're not the only ones travelling through this forest" he finished quickening his pace.

I sprung to my feet and caught up to him quickly.

"Asher?" I questioned, looking at his worried features.

he turned his head to face me slightly and smiled unconvincingly, I raised my eyebrows at him causing him to drop his happy act.

"Whats wrong?" I questioned.

"Its just the people who survive out here are known to be ruthless" he explained with a distant look in his eyes "we don't want them to find us, the darkness can only offer us so much protection"

I nodded my hand and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder before dropping back to walk next to Orpheus.

"Hey stranger" I greeted nudging him slightly.

I couldn't help but notice how quiet he had been over the past couple of days.

"Hey" he greeted with a warm smile that seemed to brighten up his ocean blue eyes.

"Are you ok?" I asked with concern.

I had been so focused on finding Chase that I had neglected Orpheus completely, he had almost killed his brother and then blamed himself for Chase's capture. He was literally walking through hell.

"I'm fine" he claimed with a pained look in his eyes.

I knew that he was lying but I didn't want to push him, he has never liked showing his feelings especially when they were filled with pain.

"Ok, but know that I'm here if you ever need me," I said thoughtfully.

"Thanks," he said pulling me into a small side hug.

Shade looked over his shoulder, accidentally catching my eye contact. He smiled awkwardly before fixing his gaze forwards.

"Ugh... Aurora?" asked Orpheus.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Remember when I disappeared for a while before the house games?" he questioned.

"Mhmm" I replied while nodding my head, eager to finally know what he was up to.

"I was getting you this," he said pulling a dagger from his belt.

He handed it to me with a smile and watched my reaction carefully. I accepted it gratefully and drew it out of its beautifully decorative case. I gasped in shock as I studied the fine dagger. The silver blade contained various types of unusual carvings and patterns which all seemed to flow neatly into the handle, while the pommel contained an impressively large ruby.

"It's beautiful" I gasped putting it back into its case, turning it around slowly.

"Max had told me that your birthday was coming up so I got you this, although I figured that it's more useful to you now" he explained with a shy smile.

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