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We walked across the unforgiving barren lands, barely having any sort of conversation until the coldness of sundown surrounded us. 

"I've noticed something," said Shade, capturing my attention. 

"What?" I asked curiously. 

"I know nothing about you" he replied with an inviting smile. 

I watched my feet as I walked and sighed. 

"There's not much to know," I said honestly. 

"Come on, entertain me" he smiled, tilting his head slightly to the side. 

"Well, my supposed mother died when I was young so I never really had the chance to meet her, my fake father never talked about her either, which now that I think about it, isn't even that surprising since I doubt that she was my real mother." I blurted with absolutely no emotion in my voice  "Oh and let's not forget that my real father is the psychopath that we are trying to kill"I finished with a large sigh and a humourless laugh.

"As interesting as that makes you, I want to know a bit about the real you" he laughed. 

I looked up at him in curiosity, not many people had asked me to tell them anything about the 'real me', it was always just the case of rehearsing the same story, with the same stupid monotone, to give off the fabricated impression that I was ok with it all. 

"Like what?" I asked, not knowing what to tell him.

"Well, what your favourite colour?" he asked in amusement. 

I thought hard for a moment, it was a seemingly easy question, but there were so many different colours out there. 

"Probably some form of a dark blue" I replied after a moment of thought. 

"Why" he questioned.

"I guess it reminds me of the sky, you know, when it holds its last before fading into darkness," I said thoughtfully.

"What about favou-" he began, but I cut him off before he could finish his question. 

"Wait! what about you?" I asked "If you get to know about my life, I should get to know about yours, besides, you know a lot more about me than I do of you" I finished convincingly.

He looked at me in thought so I raised my eyebrows at him and imitated his signature smirk.

"Fine, my favourite colour would have to be a certain deep shade of purple," he said, shaking his head slightly. 

Before I had the chance to ask him why, a loud shriek cut through the calming air, followed by a range of voices and whispers. 

"What is that?" I asked, clutching my ears tightly. 

A sharp pain, followed by a louder chain of voices instantly shot through my ears and travelled around my body, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"What is it?" questioned Shade, looking over me in concern.

I screamed out in pain and dropped to my knees, desperately trying to drown them out, it felt as though somebody was pushing two daggers into my ears in some horrible form of torture. 

"Can't You hear that?" I whispered, not knowing if he heard me. 

He looked around frantically before his eyes landed on something in the distance, he dropped down in front of me and grabbed my arm, immediately making the voices stop. I took in a deep breath and slowly moved my hands away from my ears to see that they were coated in blood.

"How?" I asked, desperately trying to push back the tears that threatened to fall.

"This place is a passageway for demons" began Shade, still deep in thought "You're angel blooded... and I'm demon-blooded" he finished, pulling me to my feet. 

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