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"Aurora and Shade, I want both of you to attack me" instructed Asher holding up his sword.

Shade and I hesitantly walked forward and stared at him blankly. 

"That's not a fair fight," I said trying to work him out.

"Just do it and don't hold back" commanded Asher.

Shade drew his daggers and I did the same, I watched quietly as Shade approached Asher at a run and began to attack. I wasted no more time and jumped into the action. I blocked and attempted to strike blows to disarm Asher but he was incredible, with me and Shade attacking either side of him, he spun, jumped, dodged and attacked fearlessly. He was a warrior. 

I swung for Asher again but tripped over Shade who had the same plan, I landed face first in the grass and narrowly avoided Asher's blade as it crashed down towards my back. I sprung to my feet and attacked again, this time Shade was the one to get cut off. He jumped for Asher's unprotected side just as he spun out of the way and ended up knocking me over, sending burning pains all over my body. I sighed heavily and pushed him off of me, he looked down at me quickly before rolling me out of the way of Asher's incoming attack. I got to my feet and faced them to see Asher holding a blade to Shades neck.

"Whats the lesson here?" he asked panting slightly

"Your badass and we shouldn't mess with you?" asked Chase causing small laughs to break out.

"The lesson is that you are stronger as a team" stated Asher as he pulled Shade to his feet.

we all exchanged glances and looked towards Asher confused.

"But... Aurora and Shade worked together" said Sylvia.

"No, no they didn't. It is true that both Shade and Aurora were attacking me, but they were most certainly not working together" said Asher, dusting himself off.

I looked over to Shade and frowned. Of course, we spent more time tripping over each other than actually attacking.

"If they had worked as a true pair then they would have been able to defeat me, their opponent. I chose those two to fight me in order to show you that as a result of their hatred, they would have ended up dead if this were a real fight" he explained authoritatively.

"Now that you know what you did wrong, I want everyone else to attack Aurora and Shade so they can correct their mistakes," ordered Asher.

My mouth gaped open as I watched them line up ready to attack.

 He can't be serious, can he?

"I told you this would be hard" smirked Asher.

I snapped back into focus and walked over to Shade.

"I guess we're gonna have to get over whatever is going on between us," I said looking up into his crimson red eyes.

"Good, it was getting old princess" he grinned.

"Alright, just stop with your excessive mood changes and we'll be fine," I said holding back a smile.

"Aww are we gonna be friends now?" he mocked rolling his eyes.

"I think we can stretch for acquaintances," I said whacking his arm lightly.

"Have you two kissed and made up yet?" called Asher.

"We haven't kissed yet but I bet she'd be more than happy to" mocked Shade sarcastically.

The only kiss he would get from me is the kiss of death I thought as I hit his arm again but this time slightly harder. 

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