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Ash POV ~

A disturbing noise broke my dream. "What the f..." O right, it's my alarm clock, indicating it's time to get up.

I had a wonderful dream. I was walking on the beach, bare footed and shirtless. Sand between my toes and the salty wind in my jet black hair. I didn't wear my cap and I didn't miss it at all. That's when a brown haired boy came running by. He was chasing an Eevee. Unlike me he wore his shoes and a purple sweater. How is it even possible to walk around like that with the temperatures that high? Wait a minute, it's a dream, everything was possible. At some point he turned around and caught me staring at him. By the smug look on his face I assumed he liked it and damn he was cute.

I didn't even know I could be into guys like this. Of course I had guy friends I saw a lot playing or hanging outside but I never looked at boys like that.

Today is the day. I'm turning 16 and I'm about to get my first pokemon! I was excited.

I jumped out of my bed and walked over to the dresser. I put on a blue jeans, a black t-shirt and my favorite blue jacket.

I literally ran down the stairs to the kitchen where my mom had put a bowl of cereals on the island like always. I ate it like my life depended on it.

When I was finished I gave my mom a quick peck on the cheek and mumbled a goodbye. I put my cap on and in one swift motion I walked out the door and closed it behind me.

I awkwardly speed walked to the nearest pokemon center. When I got there the door automatically opened when I got close.

Inside a friendly face greeted me, he was wearing a white lab coat, unbuttoned. "Hi, I'm professor Oak. And you must be Ash. I have been expecting you."

"Yeah, that's me. I recall I'm here to choose my first pokemon?"

"That's right, follow me." I did, we walked into a room with all the walls made out of glass.

In the back of the room I saw a boy my age, with a purple sweater. He looks like the guy I saw in my dream this morning. I blushes a little, enough for me to feel my cheeks warm up but not enough for anyone to notice how startled I was. The boy was petting an Eevee, smiling at it. This must be a coincidence...

"That's my grandson, Gary. He came to pick up his first pokemon earlier this morning."

Gary looked up to meet my gaze. "Hi, I'm Ash." I said, rubbing my neck. Gosh, I'm awkward.


So here's the prologue, the story is just getting started.

Pokemon fans know I changed their age. I thought it would be more appropriate with what I had in mind. Please don't blame me. :$

I wrote this on my ipod, at night. So it may contain typo's and grammar mistakes. Also I don't proofread this, I do with my other stories because I write them in a notebook first and then on my laptop.

Okay I lied, I did proofread this chapter for bits, it won't happen often though. :)

I hope you enjoyed, talk to you next time!

Beebee out! :)

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