Chapter 1

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Ash POV ~

"Hey." He seemed annoyed by my presence. I don't know why but it hurt. I heard professor Oak cough.

"Don't mind him. Ash, since Gary was here first I only have two pokemon left for you too choose from."

"Okay, which ones?"

"I knew you would ask!" I rolled my eyes when he said that. Duh, of course I wanted to know which pokemon I get to choose from.

He had a pokeball in each hand. Opening them at the same time to show me the pokemon.

I recognized the Charmender because I saw it before but the other pokemon was new to. It looked like a blond cat with long ears, red cheeks and a tail like a lightning bolt.

"At the left we have a Charmender, be careful, this is a grumpy one. And at the right we have a Pikachu, he is sweet once you get to know him but he will be difficult and stubborn at first."

Hmm, so it's a Pikachu. I wonder what he will be capable of. I knew what Charmenders could do and I wasn't intrigued by them. "I think I'll take the Pikachu."

"Interesting choice. You probably don't even know what he can do." Gary said from the corner of the room, still petting his Eevee. What I would give to have him pet me like that. Wait, what? What was I thinking?

Professor Oak gave me the pokeball. I tried to get Pikachu back in the ball. The red lightning touched his head but Pikachu refused to get in. Pikachu shook his head. "Pika, Pika."

"Seems like Pikachu won't listen." Gary chuckled. I grunted.

"Here Ash, use this for now." Professor Oak gave me a collar and a leash. I linked the leash to the collar and put the collar around Pikachu's neck.

He kept pulling at it but he couldn't take it off. I wrapped the leash around my wrist and scooped Pikachu in my arms. Then I walked outside with a struggling Pikachu in my arms.

Gary POV ~

I watched Ash trying to get his Pikachu under control. I would be lying if I said I didn't like to watch him. His jet black hair was messy, just the way I liked it.

And his sparkly brown eyes, mesmerizing. The healthy blush on his cheeks makes me want to put my hands on them. Don't even get me started about his lips.

O geez, I've been a bitch to him. But hey, that's just the way I am. My granddad broke my train of thoughts. "Gary, I thought you were straight?"

"What? I am." I kept my sentences short, so my voice wouldn't break. I wasn't even sure why I felt this way about him.

That's when I noticed Ash had left the building. Where did he go? I wanted to see him again. "Come on Eevee, let's go."

Eevee jumped off of my lap and followed me outside. I heard a distant scream of agony combined with a buzzing sound.

I slowly walked to where the sounds came from and found a burned Ash lying on the ground and Pikachu trying to run away.

"Eevee, try to talk some sense in Pikachu, I'll help Ash."



So here's the first official chapter I wrote at school today. Yeah I was being a bad ass during my German Listening Test. I probably screwed. But I would have anyway. :D

I hope you enjoyed. More action is coming up, please stay with me.

Love you,

Beebee out :)

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