Chapter 3

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Ash POV ~

I woke up from a nightmare. One where a giant Pikachu was chasing me, shooting lightning bolts at me and jumping around like a freaking ninja. I didn't dare to open my eyes yet, afraid of what the first thing I would see would be.

Suddenly I felt a lightweight object resting on my lap, moving slightly, almost unnoticeable.


When I opened my eyes I stared in the pair of bright brown orbs that belonged to my Pikachu. They were filled with a emotion I would say was worry. But I may be wrong.

I caressed his head and a smile appeared on his face. "Were you worried boy?" And he just ignored my question. He's still stubborn but I think we're getting somewhere.

When I turned my head to the side to check if Gary was still here, I found the chair he sat on empty... Where did he go? I did find my mother on another chair, sipping some tea I guess. She cleared her throat. "Gary left an hour ago. He seemed a little upset and deep in thoughts. What exactly happened between you two?"

"I don't know mom. When I first saw him he was being rude to me. After I left Pikachu decided to electrocute me and Gary found me. He wanted to carry me all the way here. And I let him." I wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. I did meet Gary before, in my dreams. But I'm not going to tell my mom, that's just embarrassing. Gee, that sounded cliche...

I guess my mom had to take this in for a while because she didn't say a thing the first few minutes. "Ash, dear, do you... Have you... Do you have feelings for Gary?"

"Mom, what kind of question is this? I just woke up, from a nightmare. After I was electrocuted and this is what you ask me? But to still answer the question. I don't know, yet. But I want to find out." It was the truth, I wanted to know if and why I had feelings for Gary. And seen his expression he was probably struggling with the same thing. I should go talk to him.

Pikachu POV ~

Ash was sound asleep and my head rested on his lap. It was warm and comfy. I may have been rude and stubborn but I can be nice if I want to. I just like to tease people, especially Ash. Since he is my trainer. That's also what I told Eevee when she came up to me trying to reason with me. It was kind of hilarious.

Pokemon trainers always assume they get us 100%. But they don't, well most of them don't. I think Ash will be getting some where close to fully understanding me. And I will give him a push in the right direction when needed.

That's when I felt his breath take another rhythm, indicating he was waking up. And given the sigh at the beginning he didn't wake up in peace.

I turned my face towards him, looking at him with worry. "Pika?"

He slowly opened his eyes and looked back at me. When he noticed the look in my eyes he rubbed my head and smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Were you worried boy?" Of course I was, dummy. But I just ignored the question. He didn't really think I was going to give in this easily, did he?

Then he turned to the empty chair the cute boy sat on a while ago and his expression saddened. After that he looked at the woman he called his mom.

"Gary left an hour ago." Yeah, I knew that. And I knew what it was like right before he left. This conversation wasn't going to interest me. So what I did was play with the leash that was still attached to the collar around my neck, even after entering and exiting my pokeball. But I had it all in my control now.

Gary POV ~

I have been at this lake for around 30 minutes now and my eyes were already starting to get heavy... All this time I was thinking about Ash. The way I made him uncomfortable when he first saw me. And the way he didn't know I noticed him blushing at my comments. And how I had to carry him because the electric shock weakened him too much. And the sweetness of his mother, that he must carry around somewhere too. And how I'm determined to get him to be sweet to me. What am I thinking, he already has been sweet to me, or least not 'not nice'.

The small waves on the lake, created by the wind helped me calm down. If it weren't for them I would have probably started crying. I may come of as harsh but on the inside I'm still just a small boy. I have a lot of growing up to do before I'm a real grown man.

I didn't even notice how tired I was until now. So I decided to close my eyes for a moment and told Eevee to wake me when something happened. She made an approving sound indicating she will. It's safe to say I trust Eevee with all my heart.

When I drifted off I landed in my first dream in ages.


Soooo, here's a new chapter. It took a while because I have been really busy. I'm sorry about that.

It's 11:30 PM right now and I'm tired a.f. ... But I thought I should give you at least something because it has been a week.

I tried a part in Pikachu POV, tell me if you like it and if I should do more Pokemon POV. And tell me what Pokemon I should add, and characters? I don't really need to stick to the plot of the first episodes of Pokemon. So, give me your ideas and I'll see what I can do! :)

With love,

Beebee :)

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