6. Phone Calls

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"Stop," I pant trying a catch my breath. "I need to take this." My eyebrows furrow when I see an unknown number calling my secondary phone. This phone is for emergency's, only my family knows this number.

"Hello?" I use my t-shirt to wipe the sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Hey." Paisley's tired voice rings through the phone.

My nerves are on high alert. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, except for-"

"Then why are you calling this phone?" I cut her off. "You know it's only for emergencies." My tone is harsh but I can't help it. I'm still furious.

"Sebastian, you haven't taken my calls for a month." She sighs. "I'm starting to get desperate."

Has it only been a month? It feels so much longer. "I've been busy." I lie. The truth is I've been ignoring her calls; I don't want to talk to her. I know she'll tell me about the shirtless idiot and I don't think I can stomach hearing her tell me about him.

"You've been too busy... For an entire month?" Her tone as skeptical, almost unbelieving.

"Sebastian," Emily calls me. "Get off the phone!"

"Chill Emily!" I bark. "Listen, Paisley-"

"Yeah, you're busy." She hangs up before I can respond. Great, now I've upset her.

As I debate calling calling her back, Emily snatches my phone from my hand.

"Emily, give me my phone."

"No, I was so close." She pinches her finger and thumb together. "And then you paused. Not fair." She complains referring to the shot she was about to make.

"Mark!" I yell at my best friend who's just sitting there like an idiot. "Tell your girlfriend to give me my fucking phone."

"Girlfriend, give him his fucking phone." Mark smirks at me and I grit my teeth.

"It was Paisley."

His eyes widen a fraction and he shoots up from the basketball he was sitting on. "Emily, give him his phone." His serious tone seems to scare her and she immediately hands me my phone.

"Sorry." She mutters, her face turning red.

"Paisley is my wife." I explain, not wanting her to be embarrassed. I actually like Emily. She's the first serious girlfriend Mark has had since high school. She's fun, athletic, and obviously competitive. Perfect for Mark. I have a feeling Paisley would like her too.

"Ex-wife." Mark corrects me and I flip him off.

"Fake ex-wife." Harry buts in

"Fake ex-wife?" Emily questions. "So you're pretending to be divorced?" Her face scrunches in confusion.

"No," Mark shakes his head. "They pretended to be married for a year and now they're divorced."

"Oh." She nods. "And now you love her?"

"Yup." Harry answers for me.

"Okay, enough about me, give me the ball." I set my phone down, I'll call Paisley later.

"You're not calling her back?" Mark passes the ball to me.

"Not now, and you know why so don't ask." I shoot from the free throw line and miss.

"Ooooh." Harry cringes. "Paisley threw you off your game with just a phone call."

"Fuck you."

"If you love her why aren't you calling her back?" Emily questions, rebounding the ball and walking behind me to the three point line.

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