24. Long Talks

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*Paisley's POV*

(I have not read through this)

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I wince at the memory of my words. At the moment I had been so distracted by a completely shocked Sebastian that I hadn't felt embarrassed. Then, in the silence of the car, I quickly became nothing but horrified.

I don't know what had possessed me to ask to stay. All I knew was that I couldn't stay at Landon's, he needed his privacy. 'You could have stayed at a hotel!' My subconscious rolls her eyes.

Sebastian had looked absolutely floored by my request but hadn't said anything. Silently standing, walking to his car, and opening the passenger door for me.

The silence in the car was excruciating. At one point the only sound filling the silence was the clicking of the turn single and I had felt as if I were about to lose my sanity.

After an eternity, we finally pull up to the hotel, quickly get out, and make our way to the elevator.

"Miss Paisley," Edi grins when he sees me. "I'm so happy you're back."

"Just for the night, Edi."I realize only after he smirks how dirty that sounded but it's too late to correct myself as the door to the elevator close. Great.

The elevator is just as bad at filling the silence as the turn signal.

"Mandy said she would change the sheets in the guest room." Sebastian finally speaks as the elevator doors open, revealing the large living room. The awkward tensions that had filled the elevator spilled into the penthouse like like a flood. "She should be here soon."

"Thank you." I mutter, not knowing what else to say. He bobs his head for a second, seeming to contemplate something.

"What did the kid show Landon?"

"A birthmark." I tell him, and his brows furrow, unable to make the connection. "Landon his one on his lower back, it looks like a star, Logan had an identical one just above his bellybutton."

Sebastian doesn't say anything. Instead, with clenched fists, he starts walking toward the kitchen. Not knowing what else to do, I follow.

"Drink?" He asks, not turning to face me.

"No," I mutter, watching as he fills a glass with the dark liquid. Was it something I said?

"I didn't realize you and Landon had-" He pauses, "That you two-" He stops this time shaking his head and downing the whole glass he just poured.

My whole face flushing when I realize that he's trying to say. "He's my fiancé."

"Right." Is all he mutters before pouring another drink.

In reality I have never slept with Landon but if Sebastian wants to make that assumption then that's his problem.

Silence again blankets us. Sebastian seems lost in thought while dozens of questions swirl in my mind.

Yet there's only one I need to be answered now.

"Why did you lie?"

I know his answer is honest because he doesn't hesitate, he simply looks me right in the eye and speaks. "I knew if I told you it was her you'd have questions. One's that require an answer I have no right to give." He starts to pour a third drink.

"Will you stop that!" I suddenly shout before I can stop.

He simply stares at me, setting the glass down with a little too much force.

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