26. After the Contract Ended

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A soft moan leave leaves Paisley's body as my lips move up and down her neck

"Do I smell coffee?" She smiles, her eyes still closed.

I move so my body hovers over hers.

"Mhm," I place a quick kiss on her nose. "I'll give you your cup for a kiss."

Keeping her eyes closed, she puckers her lips.

"Good Morning." I whisper, covering her mouth with mine.

I try to deepen it but she shakes her head, muttering. "Coffee."

Sighing, I pull away and reach for the mug on the nightstand next to our bed.

"Here." I grumble, handing her a mug.

"Thank you." She sits up, grabbing the mug. The sheet that was coving her falls down and my jaw follows.

"Fuck, Paisley!"

"What?" Her innocence is gonna kill me. When eyes notice where mine have travels she flushed. "You don't have to stare." She tries to hide her smile, bringing the mug to her lips.

"You're not gonna cover up?" My tone comes out huskier than I mean it to. We don't have time to start something right now.

Wide eyed she quirks a brow. "Should I?"

"Yes," I groan, "My family will be here in a few hours and if we start something we don't have enough time to finish."

"They're not coming till two." She juts our her bottom lip and I take a second to tug it between mine.

"It's noon." I say, laughing at the horrified look that crosses her face.

"Sebastian!" She shrieks, jumping from the bed. "You were supposed to wake me up at nine!"

"But looked so comfortable I couldn't do it." I say, following her bare ass to the closet. I look her up and down, my body instantly reacting. "I like this view."

"Nuh-uh." She shakes her head at me bringing my attention to her eyes. "We don't have time now."

"I think we could make time." I smirk when she swallows.

"I need a shower." She whispers, as I wrap my arms around her.

"What a coincidence," I pick her up, loving the way her legs automatically wrap around my boxer clad waist. "I do too. We can save water."


"This is why I wanted to go on a real honeymoon." I grumble, finally being close to Paisley for the first time in hours. "Somewhere they can't find us."

The backyard is full of our family, celebrating our marriage since we decided not to have a reception last week.

"You ready?" Harry claps my back and I'm hit with an odd sense of déjà vu.

"Yes." I answer, straightening my tie. "I've been ready for awhile."

"I know you have." My older brother smiles next to me. "I know I don't have to tell you, but I'm going to anyways, it's worth the wait." He gives my back one more small pat just as the small orchestra starts to the song Paisley and I chose as our song.

Hailey, again our flower girl, wears a large grin as she helps Charlotte throw petals on the driveway.

Jackson is still unimpressed with the suit he has to wear but at least this time he's smiling.

Brielle, Paisley's friend from work and my new personal assistant walks down the driveway next, winking at me as she passes.

My hands that I didn't realize were nervously twitching freeze.

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