Part 4

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It has been only two weeks since Avery was born and I fall in love with him more every day. He's so perfect. I can't begin to explain how happy I am.

Javier is so proud too. I smile as he comes back from carrying Avery for his morning walk. It's Javier's ritual now. Every morning at seven when the sun is just peaking over the mountains Javier wraps Avery up in a blanket and carries him for a walk into the center of town and back.

"Good morning," Javier waves at me and I raise my hand acknowledging him.

"Hi Avery!" I take Avery from Javier's arms and pepper his face with kisses while he fusses.

"I made breakfast." I mumble and Javier walks past me with a muttered thanks while I inhale Avery's scent. Thank the Goddess he's never come back smelling like Ivan. My heart wouldn't be able to take it if Javier ever took my pup to that male to hold and rest his lips upon.

I can't wait to broach the subject of me moving back to the pack house tonight. I don't want to wait too long because sometimes I feel too comfortable. Too at home in this house that is meant for the holder of Javier's heart.

"Bye Baby." Javier kisses Avery's cheek and I smile. He's still using that pet name for our pup.

"And bye baby." he kisses mine so swiftly and then he's loping off the porch and in the direction of the pack house. That little sneak.

I spend my day looking after Avery and seeing about the house. It has become second nature to me now. I make breakfast when Javier takes Avery for his walk. I bathe Avery and dress him when Javier leaves for work and place him in his basinet till I clean the kitchen and do the odd chores around.

I feed Avery, burp him, bathe him then put him to sleep before starting lunch. An omega comes over to collect Javier's food and then I clean the kitchen again and bathe myself. Feed Avery again and change his nappy then figure out what I'm making for dinner and play with Avery until Javier gets home.

This evening I make a pot roast with steamed vegetables and cupcakes for dessert. Avery is being looked after by Javier while I set the table. Javier puts Avery in his basinet in the living room while we eat our dinner. I don't like leaving him upstairs in his crib while we're downstairs.

"How was your day?" Javier asks as usual.

"Fine." I reply politely.

"Javier." he puts his fork down and I do the same. Javier sips the last of his wine and gives me his undivided attention.

"It's time I move back into the pack house." I hold my breath and when Javier doesn't reply I release it after half a minute.

"No." that's all he says.

"Yes. Avery is not breastfeeding and you know how to take care of him. I'll keep him full time and you can have him whenever you want." I say diplomatically.

Javier's breathing picks up as he stares me down. I do not flinch even though every fiber in me wants to turn belly up to the Beta in front of me.

"No." Javier repeats and I sigh at his stubbornness.

"Javier you seriously didn't expect me to remain here did you?" I ask in disbelief.

"You are mine. My mate. You belong under my roof and in my bed. Both you and my pup." Javier growls out and I stare at the wolf.

"I am nothing of the sort. I am not yours, never was. I may be your mate by fate but I am not yours by choice and we do not need to share a bed any longer since you like whispering another's name when I do." low blows I know but they are truth I speak. "You'll get Avery whenever you want him. I won't keep him from you."

Javier's eyes glow I swear as his wolf fights within him. His scent changes subtly. His wild showing as his canines flash at me.

"Now as I said I am leaving by the end of the week and that is final." I stand leaving Javier holding onto whatever leash he has on his beast.

"No!" Javier growls loudly and in a flash I am caged in his arms while he buries his nose in my neck.

"Javier no!" I yell trying to push him off me. His wolf is trying to force a marking and I am not going to ever be taken forcefully.

His canines are pressing against my flesh heating me from my core outward. I want to moan as his mating scent grows clogging my throat and nostrils till all I can smell is him and his wildness.

"Javier..." it is meant as a plea but it comes out in a moan. He is too intoxicating right now as he pushes his pelvis against mine. Manhood already swollen and ready.

"Please, no." I whisper harshly when Avery whimpers in his basinet.

It is only a moment but Javier's head snaps in the direction of our pup's voice. I take advantage of it and shove him off me and rush to Avery. I take the pup in my arms quickly. My heart rate fast and loud to my own ears when Javier's loud footfall follows me.

"He is a fool. My human is a fool." he labors and I'm shocked. Very rarely do our beast manifest so wholly.

"What do we need to do to be yours Abalon?" he asks me in full control of Javier's body.

I am stunned. Too stunned to respond until he huffs and his chest deflates making him look less intimidating but not by much.

"I... what?" I cannot form a sentence. The animal never controls the man. I am in shock. Only an Alpha can have his wolf separated from him like this.

"I cannot live like my human has forced me to anymore Abalon. I need to know that you and our pup are taken care of by your mate." he stalks to me, one palm against my cheek the other resting gently on Avery's head.

"He has seen his errors Abalon. He is ready for change. He is ready for your acceptance and love. He is ready to love you back fiercely as a wolf should." He looks into my eyes and I look into his. Javier's eyes are blown wide. The ring of grey so thin you'd swear his eye color was pitch black.

"I... I don't know." I whisper looking into his eyes.

"I'm too scared of him. I'm tired of feeling like I'm not enough. Like I'll never be enough." I nuzzle into the warmth of his hand his wild scent comforting me.

"I can't be this dependent on him. I need my own space. I need to move back into my room." I tell him honestly.

He nods more to himself glancing from me to Avery and then he sighs. "If you move back with no objections from me or Javier would you consider dating us?"

I am taken aback by this question. Date Javier... I really don't know.

"Please Abablon. Give him a chance. He's trying." I nod. I know Javier has been trying to be a worthy mate to me and a father to Avery.

"Okay." it's a whisper but he hears me. He smiles broadly and presses his lips to my temple.

"Thank you." the beast recedes back into Javier's mind and he shakes his head in confusion.

"What just happened?" he asks a bit dazed.

"Your wolf manifested." I respond and Javier tenses.

"He agreed to let me move back to the pack house on the condition that I date you." I cannot lie. If I do I'm afraid of what the wolf would do.

"Did you agree?"

"Yes." Javier smiles so openly my heart stutters.

I do not know what would happen but I will not make anything easy on this Beta wolf. 



Hey! I'm on time for a change lol.

Don't forget to vote and comment and share and thanks to all of you for reading!     

BETA MINE (mxm || lgbtq)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora