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I open my eyes and realize I am in the arms of my boss. My heart starts pounding remembering what happened last night. I slowly get out of the bed trying not to wake him. Looking around for all my clothes.

"Crap! What the hell did I do?" I think to myself freaking out ready to cry. I cannot believe I just gave myself to my boss. "Who does that? Oh God, what have I done?" I mumble to myself scrambling to get dressed.

I sneak outside and it's still pretty dark, I pull out my phone to look at the time and its 4am, I have no idea where I'm at and look on my Google maps so I could order a cab.

I stand outside and wait hoping he doesn't wake up and come looking for me. I end up walking out to the end of his driveway so I don't wake him when my ride shows up.

The cab finally shows up, and I ask the driver if he could hurry up. "You running away?" He says with a laugh. "Yea something like that." I sigh.

When I got home I took a long hot shower, at times I would start smiling when I thought about the things he did to me. He made me feel things that nobody has ever done to me. Just thinking about it I started to throb below.

Then I started to get mad at myself for allowing him to cross the line. I was happy and sad at the same time. I hope I just didn't ruin my job, I actually like this job. I get out of the shower and I decide to call Sandy, hoping she's awake.

Sandy answer's the phone and I ask her if she could cover for me today. "What's going on?" She asked. "Im just not feeling well today and I don't think I'll be able to think or do my job to satisfaction." I tell her.

"He will be furious that you're not there you know.." She says. "Let him be furious, I won't be worth a shit today, and it wouldn't be fair to him or his clients."

After I get off the phone with her I call my sister asking if she will be home today. "Everything ok?" She asks. "I don't know, I need to talk to someone though. Can you come get me, or should I take a cab?"

"I'll be there in a while." I smile when she tells me that "Thank you." I tell her.

I get dressed throwing on some leggings and a slouchy shirt. I just feel like dressing comfortable today.

My phone goes off and it's my sister letting me know she's here. I hurry and leave. I get in her car and as she was getting ready to leave I see his car pulling in the lot. "Oh Crap!" I yell slouching down in the seat hiding my face. "What are you doing? Holy shit look at that nice car!" She says excited. "Just go, hurry, please!"

"Alexis, what are you doing, what is your deal?"

"That's my boss... I can't let him see me." I say to her worried.

I sigh "Did he see us?" She looks over at me and chuckles "What is wrong with you, why are you hiding from him?"

"Long story." I say to her as my phone rings "Crap its him." I turn the ringer off and breathe in closing my eyes.

Levi POV:

As I start to wake up I roll over to put my arm around her and my hand feels an empty side of the bed, I open my eyes and look over and see that she isn't there. "She must be in the bathroom" I say quietly.

I lay waiting for her to return and after a while I start wondering where she is, I get out of bed looking around for her calling out her name, I notice her shoes are gone, so I go back in the bedroom and see that her clothes are gone as well.

I try calling her phone and it goes straight to voicemail. I go back in the room and notice that there is some coloring on the sheets so I pull them off and put them in the washer. "Dammit!" I yell slamming the lid down.

Falling for my Asshole BossWhere stories live. Discover now