25-Back to reality

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"Wake up sleepy head." He whispers kissing my forehead. Slowly opening my eyes I smile, looking at him he just melts my heart every time. "I let you sleep in a little longer, now its back to reality and back to work." He says sliding some hair strands away from my face.

"Ugh.. Do I have to?" I joke, letting out a yawn.

He takes my hand helping me out of bed. "I'm sure it's going to be a busy day today catching up on everything."

On the way to the office, Levi held my hand the whole time playing with my ring sliding it back and forth as well as smiling. Every light we hit he would take my hand bringing it to his lips kissing it. "So does this mean you're going to actually move in with me officially?" He asks looking over at me. "I still have like 7 months left on my lease, I don't know what to do."

"I'll pay your lease off." He insists squeezing my hand. I shake my head, "No, I cannot let you do that, maybe I can see if I could sublet the apartment out."

"It's only money, something that I can help with, I think you should just get out of it and be done with it." He says as I take a deep breath not saying another word, there's no point in arguing with him about it, I won't win anyways.

It was pretty quiet in the elevator, I couldn't stop thinking about what I should do with my apartment, besides getting everything out of there. As the doors open, I start stepping out, Levi grabs my hand pulling me in, hitting the button to close the doors. "Hey." He whispers.

"What?" I say quietly looking away. "We will figure all of this out, I'll even call them and see if they can let you out of the rest of the lease." He assures me with a smile leaning down and kissing my lips. He pushes the button for the doors to open, I step out walking towards the break room. "Alexis" He shouts. I turn around to look at him, he just smiles and winks at me before heading to his office.

I walk into the break room to make Levi his coffee, while getting the coffee ready I hear the doors open and assume that it's Sandy, "She's not scaring me this time." I mumble to myself.

"So how was your trip?" I hear her say, turning around I smile at her. "It was wonderful!" I say giving her a hug.

"So where did you go?"

"I chose Venice."

"I figured you would, I knew how much you wanted to go there." She chuckles.

"It was a good choice, so beautiful and so romantic, I loved it there."

I was pouring the coffee in Levi's cup and could see Sandy's mouth drop at the corner of my eye. I set the coffee pot down. "Let me see that." She says in shock.

"See what?" I smile.

She grabs my hand, "What's this?" She asks as she's studying the ring. "Wow! It's beautiful! I'm floored!" I put my hand out to look at it, "It sparkles really nice in the lighting, he did a wonderful job, it's a little big but I love it."

"When did he do that?"

"Our last night there, which was Friday night, I was in shock, never did I expect him to do that so soon. I almost said no, that it was way too soon, but changed my mind seeing the way he looked at me. He was so romantic about it all, he really is someone that I could spend the rest of my life with."

I grab Levi's coffee, "But I'll talk to you later, how about lunch?" She smiles "Yes, let's do lunch."

"I should bring him this." I say as I leave the room.

I walk into Levi's office setting his coffee down on the desk, he pats his leg wanting me to sit on his lap. "You're on the phone." I whisper. He smiles shrugging his shoulder's patting his leg again. I sit down on his leg, he points to the screen on the computer, I look at it and write the number's down.

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