Sherni Ki Jal

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A/N: Meet the cast: Mr. Random stranger🤣🔝

" Mukthi beta.."

Oh for God's sake! Not again.

Mukthi found herself in the middle of several viciously sweet aunties yet again that evening. Her mother had successfully blackmailed her to attend a party by their family friends. Every second was taking a toll on her already thin thread of patience. She had dressed up head to toe in black, almost gothic style to get a little revenge on her mother. It payed of rather well when she saw her mother gaping at her appearance before she turned absolutely furious . But apparently that wasn't enough to keep some of the gold digger aunties at bay.

" Oh dear look at you such a sweet little thing." On of them said giving a patronizing pat on her head.

'Really ? How would you like to get a big fat lashing from the sweet little me. Auntiji.' she thought giving her a tight smile.

Of course, that didn't stop the aunty's well practiced verbal assault . "At your age I was the mother of two. It's high time you get married dear." she said with another sweet smile that could give you diabetes any day.

"Infact I have a nephew who..."

Mukthi didn't hear much after that. She was busy trying to calm herself down biting back the retorts ready to jump out of her tongue...
'Patience Mukthi... Patience' she pep talked herself. Her prayers were answered when her phone rang, an unknown number flashed on her screen. She excused herself and almost ran away to find herself a hidden spot behind the garden. The call ended before she could pick it up. She didn't care because all she wanted was to escape from the sanskari vultures that had her cornered.
Peace at last!

" Hiding from someone?"

May be it was too soon to hope for it. She thought while giving out an exasperated sigh.

She turned around reluctantly to see a tall handsome guy in a suit smirking at her.
She rolled her eyes. "No. I came her for some peace and quiet. I really don't like to be disturbed" she said her voice cutting like a knife. It would have made any guy run for their life but apparently he was not one of them.

"That's a shame because I have no intention of leaving you alone Ms. Mukthi Khurana" he said with a daring glint in his eyes.

"What the... Are you threatening me Mr. Jerk?" she said turning around completely and glaring daggers at his smug face.

"Of course not. If I'm threatening you believe me, you'll know." he said meeting her glare without a flinch.

"I'm just saying you are a coward who keeps running away from your problems. The more you run away the more bigger it gets. Man up and face it" he said looking at her intensely.

"Oh hello! I don't take advice from random stangers, much less from an Arrogant jerk like yourself." She said through clenched teeth. "What the hell are you doing here anyway? "

He gave another lopesided smirk. "What am I doing here? I'm doing exactly what you are not, facing my problem." He gave her a once over and smiled as if sharing an inside joke with himself. "Well, this is going to be interesting"

Mukthi on the other hand was getting more and more furious with every passing second "Oh! Thanks for clearing that up. Now I understand exactly what you you mean." she bit back sarcastically. "But I still have this teeny tiny doubt. Who. The. Hell. Are. You?"

"Not someone you would want to know but you will anyway" He said with another smirk "We'll meet again Ms. Mukthi and when we do you'll know exactly who I am" he said and walked off without another glance.

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