Britt N Leigh (Winner)

136 14 2

Hey, all!

I am so incredibly thrilled to have been included in the top ten of this contest! I'm also beyond grateful for the amazing support and the kind words from so many in this awesome community!

Never Mine is a work that is near and dear to my heart and the origin of the story even more so. This book began as an idea that I kicked around with my sister and my mom one day when I was home for a visit. My mom was instrumental in the names, and some of the plot points, but I didn't really feel like I had enough to work with, so I shelved the idea for a couple of years.

Then, life hit with a vengeance. My mom was diagnosed with stage four uterine cancer, shocking my typically lighthearted family to the very core. Our everyday routines were put on hold as we came together, working as caretakers, and above all, motivators, desperate to keep her in high spirits as she underwent the various grueling treatments offered for her condition.

The time passed by quickly, and the options dwindled. We tried every treatment under the sun and went on the hunt for additional, lesser-known alternatives, but to no avail. All in all, we were gifted an extra year with her, and surprisingly enough, it was one of our greatest.

We lived so fully. She lived so fully, despite her circumstances. Her example is the reason that I write today. It's something that I always wanted to do, but never felt brave enough to share. Her life, and the way that she lived it drove me. She believed in me when I couldn't. She believed that I could do this.

Never Mine is a permanent reminder of her for me. The time we spent together, laughing as we plotted the story and imagined the characters... I will never forget. I'll always treasure it.

Colby's experience in Never Mine mirrors my own in many ways. In writing this book, I wanted to honor my mom's memory, while also sharing a story of profound love in all of its many forms— that of friends, lovers, and family.

Wattpad is such a unique forum, and I've made a number of wonderful friendships here over the past year! I am appreciative of all the support that I've received. It's been so uplifting and has encouraged me to continue moving forward. All of the wonderful readers here inspire me to keep on typing every day!!

Thank you so much for this opportunity! Words cannot express the level of my gratitude.  

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