Chapter 1

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"Harley! Get back here!"

Unable to hold her laughter, Harley giggled into her tiny hand and crouched closer to the tree. Mathias would never find her at this rate. He headed the opposite way. Hide and seek just wasn't his thing.

She peeked around the tree. The noon summer sun hit her back even through the shade and made the backs of her knees sweat. Lucky for her she remained down wind. With her older brother's strong wolf nose, he'd find her in seconds if the wind was against her back.

Her pink shirt started to stick to her in places and she used the back of her wrist to wipe at the sweat under her bangs. The silver butterfly necklace her daddy gave her felt cool against her neck. Across her family's meadow, twigs snapped under the weight of a larger person. Jeez, Mathias trampled through these woods like a dinosaur. Didn't he know to be careful? No wonder no one else but Willie ever wanted to play with him.

At twelve, her big brother had finally shifted. After the first shift, most wolves become clumsy for a while before they get used to their new bodies. Her daddy said it wouldn't happen to her. "You're too smart and pretty for that, Harley." He'd told her. "My beautiful little genius."

She couldn't wait for the day when she finally shifted. Mommy said she'd have white and tan fur like her. And that she'd run fast. She really wanted that. That way, she could finally beat Mathias and Willie in a chase. Except she was only six. She had a long time to wait.

"Harley!" Mathias shouted. "Olly, olly oxen free, free, free!"

Aw, already? They only called that out when they wanted to give up the game. Mathias always gave up early! He was such a wimp.

Harley stepped out from behind the tree. He never checked out near the edge of the property line. Mathias was always too afraid to cross the line and get yelled at by mommy and daddy.

"Mathias!" She called out, spotting him a couple yards away. Dimly, she wondered how he could be over there when she so clearly heard him behind her before. "You always give up!"

Her brother jogged over to her. Halfway over, he froze. His focus locked on something behind her, fear spreading over his features.

It was probably a butterfly. Mathias hated butterflies. But she thought they were the prettiest of all the bugs with all their different colors. How could you hate them?

Harley stepped closer to him, crossing her little arms over her chest. Now she was going to have to be it, and Mathias never hid well.

From behind her, a bush rustled.

"H-harley." Mathias' eyes were wide, his face white, and he whimpered.

She turned around. It was probably some cute little animal that just wanted to play with them.

Her feet stopped. An animal stood there among the wildlife. But not a friendly one.

A black wolf crept from the bushes at the property line, leaning on its back paws. Its bright green and yellow eyes narrowed as it stalked closer. She stumbled backward, her foot catching on a tree root. Her butt hit the ground.

The wolf's nose scrunched as it extended its teeth and let out a long, deep, menacing growl. Goosebumps ran up and down her arms.

Harley scrambled to her feet. Their daddy warned them what to do when they saw a wolf that didn't want to be their friends. But she couldn't remember. She couldn't remember!

Under A Latent Moon (A Werewolf Tale)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora