•Meeting Gabriel•

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You haven't had the pleasured of meeting your big brother Gabriel, since he has been hiding down on Earth. But he suddenly popped into your world, when you went to visit your Uncles Dean and Sam.

Castiel was watching you play with your Uncle Dean on the floor, giggling as he tickled your little belly. You squealed happily and wiggled your arms and legs, trying to grab Dean's hands. "Aw, aren't you ticklish~?" Dean cooed and continued to tickle you.
"Dean-o! And, baby?" A familiar voice called out, along side the sound of fluttering wings. You looked in the direction of the strange voice, and saw a blonde angel, and you instantly felt a connection to him. Instantly, you made grabby hands at him.
"Gabriel." Castiel acknowledged his brother. "Why are you here?" He asked.
"I came to see the Winchester's." Gabriel smiled. "And who is the baby?"
"This is (Name), She's our newest sister." Castiel scooped you up, and introduced you to your big brother.

You reached a chubby hand up to Gabriel, and tried to squish his nose. The blonde archangel only laughed and squished your cheek in return, earning a giggle from you. "She's adorable... reminds me of you when you were a fledgling." Gabriel looked up at Castiel. Castiel was slightly flustered.
"Let's not talk about that, Gabriel. Please." Castiel plead. Gabriel only winked at him, confusing Castiel, and then turned his attention back to you. He was totally in love with you, his baby sister.
"I miss taking care of fledglings..." Gabriel hummed and he gently bounced you in his arms, making you flutter your wings and giggled in delight. Your eyes lit up and you held onto your big brother.
Sam and Dean watched from the couch, slightly interested in how soft Gabriel was being. Normally he would be killing Dean, or trapping them in random tv shows.


Gabriel sat next to Sam as he held your small, sleeping form. Your tiny hand gripped onto his shirt, snuggling close to his chest, relishing in his warmth. Sam was flipping through the TV channels, trying not ignore Gabriel's advances.
"(Name) is adorable..." Gabriel cooed happily, looking over at Sam. "I can't believe Castiel gets to watch her. He's lucky."
"Well, until it's time for a diaper change." Sam chimed in.
"Oh yeah that can be his job." Gabriel said quickly, suddenly remembering diaper duty. It was like a bad flashback. "Cas can handle diaper duty." You wiggled a little in his grasp, and Gabriel, just to make sure, sniffed your pjs. Then gagged. "CASTIEL! (NAME) NEEDS A CHANGE!"


After a much needed diaper change, it was dinner time, and Gabriel insisted on staying. Only because he wanted to play with you. The sad excuse for a family sat around the table, you in a high chair. Castiel was feeding you some baby food, since he didn't really require food. Sam and Dean made small talk while they ate, and Gabriel just kept summoning candy.
"(Name)~? Why don't you eat some yummy candy instead of that yucky baby food?" Gabriel asked.
"Gabriel she doesn't have teeth yet." Castiel told his brother, continuing to feed you the baby food. You happily ate your baby food, giving Gabriel a gummy smile.
"Well then how about some chocolate IceCream?"
"I don't want her to become a sugar addict like you."
"There is nothing wrong with liking sugar, Castiel!"
"She's a fledging!"
"Guys can you not fight while I'm trying to eat." Dean scolded, and then went back to eating. You babbled at Gabriel and Castiel, smiling happily. You were such a happy fledgling.
"Alright, after she eats all her dinner, she can have A LITTLE bit of IceCream." Castiel told his brother softly, then continued to feed you.

After finishing all your baby food, you were rewarded with delicious chocolate IceCream! Castiel allowed Gabriel to feed you a small amount, so you wouldn't go overboard on a sugar high.
"Open wide~" Gabriel flew the spoon around, making airplane noises as he fed you. You giggled loudly and opened your mouth. "Yay!" Gabriel laughed and fed you the spoonful of IceCream. "Yummy right?"
"I thought so." Gabriel smiled and continued to feed you the IceCream. You happily accepted every bite offered to you, and finished the small bowl in no time. "Woman after my own heart." Gabriel laughed and kissed your tiny nose. You giggled happily, wiggled your little butt, but then Gabriel smelled something funky...


Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now