•Dean's Baby•

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"Why can't we just leave her at home!" Dean grumbled as he carried you out to his Baby. Baby, being his impala, that he literally treated like his girlfriend.
"Because no one is home to watch her! And you wanted to go out to eat!" Sam argued back, holding in the car seat that Castiel gave him. "And I think it's good you get some quality time with (Name). You're really good with her." Sam whispered the last part.
"Oh~ Was that a compliment I just heard~?" Dean smirked, bouncing you in his arms. You babbled and squished Dean's cheeks, flapping your tiny wings happily.

Sam installed the car seat, and placed you into it, giving you a blanket to snuggle with, and chew on. You were at that stage where you loved to chew things.
"You made sure everything was covered back there?! I don't want any poopy diapers, or throw up, or anything!" Dean was worrying like crazy, jumping into the driver's seat. Sam just rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.
"She'll be fine! It's only a few minutes to the diner anyway, Dean." Sam got into the passenger seat, and strapped himself in, looking back at you. You offered the younger brother a big grin and clapped your tiny hands. You were so excited! You loved going out with the Winchesters.


What was suppose to be a quick trip to the local diner, because one big traffic jam. Someone had crashed their car into someone in the opposite lane, causing a huge pile up, and a very long wait. Dean was not happy by any means. All he wanted was his pie! And Sam was getting annoyed

"B-Buhhhh..." You babbled, whining a bit.
"It's okay, (Name)..." Sam turned around and leaned over into the back row, trying to calm you down. You whined even more and started to sneeze.
"DID SHE JUST SNEEZE ON BABY?!" Dean screamed, clearing angry by the whole situation. Sam just sighed and rubbed his eyes.
"Dean, She is just a baby you need to chill." Sam growled back at Dean, and gently tried to unclasp you from the baby seat. "It's okay honey..." Sam gently rocked you.
"Saaaam...." you whined and rubbed your little eyes, clearly upset with the current situation. And Dean's tension was not helping.


An hour passed, and the brothers weren't any closer to the diner, and the traffic was not letting up a bit. Dean was about ready to stab someone. You happily sat in Sam's arms, playing with him, not having a care in the world.
"Can the traffic just please-" Dean started, and suddenly, cars started to move again. "Finally!" Dean grinned, and went to hit the gas petal, when Baby made a strange noise.
"Oh Dean, I think it's out of gas..." Sam said softly.


Lil' Angel (Supernatural x Baby!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now