Chapter Thirty Nine, Sayori Ending

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I walked into the cold water which shocked my skin and splashed Sayori. Sayori obviously didn't expect it, so it took her a moment before she shoved me underwater. I got out of the cold water coughing out the salty liquid. I giggled and Sayori smiled at me. Suddenly a familiar ringtone was audible, the ice cream truck! Sayori grabbed my arm and ran me to the truck, the hot road burned my feet but it was worth it for ice cream. Sayori pulled out a few soggy dollars from her bikini top and plopped them in front of the ice cream woman. Sayori ordered two orange cream popsicles and handed me one. "Oh I forgot to ask you what you wanted", sighed Sayori.

      "No, no it's fine, I appreciate it! Can I pay you back?" I asked.

      Sayori blushed, licked her popsicle and then said "yes, actually there is...".

       I nodded, trying to her to continue. She looked down and then up at me again. "Would you be my girlfriend?" Sayori asked nervously.

      I was shocked. But then I looked her in the eyes and said "I would be honored to be your girlfriend.".

      I leaned in and so did Sayori. Our lips met, hers were soft, cold and sticky due to her popsicle, she tasted like orange cream. Our kiss lasted until I felt my popsicle drip on my hand. We stopped the kiss and stared happily into each other's eye. Suddenly I heard a whistle from the ice cream lady "Woo! Lesbians for life!" she shouted.

      Sayori and I giggled and walked back to the beach, we sat on beach towels and ate our popsicles. "I love you, Sayori." I stated.

       "I love you, (Y/N)."

      Years Later

      Sayori and I told the other girls about us dating and they approved. Monika ended up falling in love with a man who had joined her new literature club. Yuri and Natsuki ended up together and Sayori and I ended up marrying. She ended up getting therapy and her depression eventually faded. Sayori and I married actually got married the year after we graduated college. We are currently in the process of adopting a child. Life has been great, we are perfect for each other and I only have Monika to thank.

      Bonus Story

       I finished washing the dishes and removed my dish gloves. Through the window I could see Sayori was out kicking her feet in the pool. I grabbed the box orange cream popsicles from the fridge, slid my flip flops on and walked out to her. I opened the pool gate causing her to jump a bit but smile once she realized it was me. Sayori's newly long hair covered her face but she brushed it aside. The wind blew and I sat next to her. "It's quite hot out!" laughed Sayori.

      I nodded and pulled one popsicle out of the box, I unwrapped it and Sayori smiled when she realized what flavor it was. I licked the popsicle and handed it to her. "There is no longer need for two, we are now one, together, forever. We share our lives, our experiences and our popsicles." I said before kissing Sayori, the popsicle dripping on her thighs. After the kiss we smiled at each other yet again.

       "I love you, Sayori" I said.

      "I love you, (Y/N)."

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