Chapter 8: Avoiding

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After a few minutes of crying in Jimin's chest I thanked him for his comfort and excused myself to the washroom

I stood in front of the mirror and saw how swollen my eyes were and the bruise on my cheek seemed that it'll stich around for a while

Crap that's great !

I made my way back to the classroom and sat on my desk and lucky me it was English and guess who sits beside me in that subject

Of course you guessed ! Jung- freaking -kook . How nice !

He entered the classroom. He was a mess looks like he has been running his eyes lit up as he saw me. I sighed and looked away not wanting to see his face. He rushed towards me and sat beside me putting his bag on the floor.

"Where were you Y/N I looked all over the school for you !" He said trying to hold my shoulder and turn me to face him.

Well that didn't work I just moved his hand away and kept looking elsewhere

"Y/N please don't do this to me you know I love you please don't-"he was cut off by the sound of the teacher coming in the classroom

Thank god

The hour passed so slow as I could feel jungkook staring at me the whole time waiting for me to say something

The bell rang and I held my bag rushing off to the dance room my next class was dancing class it's the first time we have it though since we didn't have a dancing teacher earlier. Jungkook was following me but he couldn't keep up with me as I entered the girls' changing room still hearing him calling out my name.

I changed to my (favourite dancing outfit) and walked in the dance room

I looked around and smiled at the fact that all the boys were having the same class as me they all smiled back but soon my smile faded as I spotted jungkook there again he tried to come towards me but the teacher had walked in preventing him from coming any closer towards me.he stopped in his tracks and I breathed in relief.

"Hello students I'm Lee Chin your dancing teacher "The teacher greeted us

We bowed and greeted back

"Okey class Now let's see your potentials" the teacher said "I'll play some music for each and every one of you and YOU guys are supposed to improvise a choreography you have the right to hear the music once without dancing then when I launch it again you better move your butts" We chukled and nodded 

It's on.

Some of the students performed and it was just hilarious but some of them really had some perfect dances

Of course all of Jimin Namjoon Yoongi Jin and Especially Hoseok have just nailed it

Taehyung's turn then came up and he danced very well too .. of course whenever a 'BTS member' steps forward to perform girls start cheering and fangirling making the boys a bit unconfortable.

Now it's Jungkook the teacher put a slow yet active song he moved perfectly to it. I didn't realise I was staring at him the whole time with my mouth slightly opened until music stopped snapping me out of it

"Miss Y/N you're up" the teacher said. I gulped and walked to the center of the room I listened to the music and it was time for me to dance

I loved dancing I wasn't that good at it but I was okey

I started moving to the fast loud music as I enjoyed every move and every step I did . I was satisfied by my dance

Jungkook POV

I watched her move to the song and it was breathtaking. She was so good at what she did.

All of the students' jaws dropped as they watched her perform. Her dance was flawless that it wasn't easy for any of us to believe it was improvised

She did her last move and stopped breathing heavily

Claps and loud cheers filled the room as everyone ran to Y/N cheering for her

"Well well that was just perfect miss Y/N I'm impressed " the teacher clapped for her "Okey class that's enough for today next time we will work in pairs ..class dismissed " the teacher dismissed us and went out of the room


Well I did not expect such a huge reaction to my dance performance They were all gathering around me cheering and clapping as I blushed a little

At the corner of my eye I noticed that jungkook was hesitating to come towards me but I ignored his presence

When the teacher went out everyone else went to change and go home

I changed couldn't wait to make my way back home I was exhausted

When I got out from the changing room I felt a tight grip on my wrist as someone dragged me forcefully.


He kept pulling me by my wrist and I could feel anger in his grip

It hurts so bad

He lead me to the rooftop and closed the door behind him

"Why are you avoiding me Y/N? Why won't at least listen to me ? I love you and you know that ! But Mina she's just nothing to me I never loved her "he tightened his grip making it hurt even more I held my tears

"Jungk-" I said before he cut me off

"What ? Wanna avoid me and run away again you have to listen to me " he said pinning me against the wall with his other hand

"Jungk-" I managed to say as he cut me off again

"No will not run away this time until we talk"

"Jungko-" I tried over and over to let him know that I'm hurting but he cit me off again


"Y-you're H-hurting me "I said looking down to my wrist that had  blue dark mark from the tight grip of jungkook

He let go of my wrist and the angry look in his eyes just transformed to a concerned and guilty one.

"Oh my god Y/N I'm So so so sorry" he said cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears with his thumbs

He held my hand again but gently caressing the injured spot and I could tell that he was feeling guilty

"Why didn't you tell me that you were hurting ?"He said letting go of my hand and pulling me to a warm hug a

God I missed his hugs

"I-I tried to " I managed to say

"I'm sorry I really am " he said feeling all sad and guilty

"It's okey I'm sorry too .. I overreacted" I replied hugging him back

He pulled back and looked at me straight in the eyes

"I love you Y/N only you" he said before leaning down kissing my lips it felt so warm and good. I kissed back and it turned to a passionate kiss.

We held hands and he walked me home putting his mask on .. He does that everytime he walks me home so that people don't recognise him duh .. He's a celebrity after all

Once I got home he let go of my hand and I went to open the door I waved him goodbye and so did he.

He was about to walk away until..

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