Chapter 29 : You did this ?

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We all put on an action movie and watched it excitedly wrapped in blankets some of us on the couch and the other ones on the soft carpet on the floor

Jungkook wrapped his arm around my waist and I rested my head on his chest .. I never was happier I looked at him smiling .. He smiled back and kissed my forehead

The movie ended and everyone stretched but no one slept .. It was still 7 pm so we decided to play some board games .. We had so much fun

After a while I made dinner .. We ate and all headed to bed .. I had to cancel my plans for a couple of days so I could settle some things

I woke up at 6:00 am I did my morning routine and changed into a Grey Crop top and black skinny Jeans with a black long coat and grey heels

I had my hair down and some light makeup that shows my jaw line and my eyes in a perfect way

I made breakfast for the boys and left them a note that I had to go the hospital .. I didn't want them to know that I'm meeting Mr Bang

I went to the company and the lady in the front desk lead me to his office ..

"Come in Miss L/N" he said

He looked so sad and tensed

"So what is it that you wanna talk about?" He asked faking a smile

"Alright you know who I am right ?" I said

"Of course you were all over the news AND the one who saved our maknae's life" he said

"Then you know what I'm capable of ...Well I wanna help you with your problems" I said

"W-what do Y-you mean?" He asked confused

"I kinda know the boys .. We go way back to high school days and sorry to tell you that but I'm jungkook's girlfriend. . We've been hiding it for years to keep his reputation safe" I said then continued "I will pay your debts then I'll provide you ... Let's see 15 sponsors ? Is that okey ?" I said and his eyes were filled with tears

I did call all of the 15 very rich persons I saved or saved their relatives .. They accepted happily and right away not even arguing

"Y-you W-would?" He asked ..a tear rolling down his cheek

"Anything to help my friends Mr Bang" I said smiling .. I got a check out and wrote down a huge amount of money and gave it to him and told him that he's meeting the sponsors this afternoon.. All the 15 of them

"You know doctor I had only 7 sponsors last time " he said smiling

"Well I figured you could use more" I said and got up he did too and shook my hand

"I'll leave now .. Now don't make any further debts Mr Bang" I said and he chuckled

"Thank you doctor " he shouted for me to hear him since I already walked out the door

I went back home and found the boys waiting for me

They ran to me and hugged me tightly .. jungkook first

"Oh my god I thought you left us " Jungkook said

"I thought you gave up on us" Jimin added

"Guys guys guys......... I left you a note didn't I?" I chuckled

"Yeah But ... We thought" Taehyung said looking down

"I'll never leave you or give up on you Tae Tae don't worry" I said and ruffled his hair

He smiled widely and giggled

"Now let's have some fun shall we ?" I said rubbing my hands together

"YEAH" they all said jumping

"Well what should we do ?arcade ?" Jungkook said wrapping an arm around my waist

"Good idea but .. A lot of people .. we'll get bothered by fans" Namjoon said

"Don't worry I can take care of this .." I smirked then dialed a number on my phone "be right back" I said after pecking kookie's lips

After a while I returned to the boys

"Now who's ready to go to the arcades?" I asked

"But there are a lot of people" Jimin said

"I made some calls .. They closed the arcade for people .. I reserved it only for us .. it will be just us in there" I smiled waving my phone

They all ran up to me AGAIN pulling into a hug and thanking me

"Now go get ready we're leaving in 20 minutes" I said and they all ran away to their rooms except from Jungkook who pulled me closer to him and kissed my lips as I wrapped my hands around his neck

"God you have no idea how much I love you" he said hugging me

I hugged back and said" Aww I love you too kookie" then pinched gently his cheeks and told him to go get dressed

We were having loads of fun in the arcade moving from ride to ride from booth to booth like little kids .. We headed after to an ice cream little shop there to have some rest

Then a phone rang.. It was Namjoon's
Namjoon POV

We were having some ice cream after we got tired of all the games we've been trying .. then my phone rang

It was Bang PD-Nim

"Hello?" I said
"Ah .. Namjoon it's me .. listen I finally paid my debts and I spoke to 15 sponsors they are ready to give us their fending.. so can you start working on a new song we must release a new clip in less than 3 months and I'll get you a new dorm after that" he said over the phone

My eyes went wide and I felt joy rushing in my veins as I grinned

The boys looked at me confused

"Okey Sir we'll start right away but how did you fix this?" I asked

"Well you should thank your friend L/N Y/N she paid the debts and provided the sponsors .. All 15 of them" he said then hang up

I was shocked I just looked at her with an open mouth

"What happened?" Jin asked

"We should work on and new song Bang PD fixed everything" I answered still looking at Y/N who just smiled

"How did he fix it so fast?" Jimin asked

"She paid his debts and provided us new sponsors " I said pointing at Y/N


They all looked at me shocked their faces were both confused and happy

"Y-you did this?" Jungkook managed to ask still shocked (jungshook)

I nodded my head and hey all burst out crying...

"W-what ? Hey don't cry .. did I do something wrong?" I said feeling pain in my heart when I do saw them tearing up

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