Chapter 24: You're so Strong

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I walked over to the little boy and smiled at him pulling down my mask

"Hey there tough guy.. you okey there?" I asked grabbing his shoulder
"I-I'm scared Doctor" he replied in a weak shaky voice

"Okey listen to me little guy.. what's your name ?" I asked holding his hand

"It's Kim Min Ho doctor" he said still shaking in fear

"Well listen here Min Ho do you trust me ? Do you trust your doctor ?"

He nodded in response

"Now you see .. I'll put on a mask on your face and you'll go to sleep and have really nice dreams and once you're up .. the pain will disappear and your heart won't hurt anymore .. does that sound good for you?"

He smiled widely and nodded

I smiled back kissing the back of his palm making him blush a little

I placed the mask back on my face then placed the anesthesia mask on him until his passed out then removed it placing the oxygen one instead

I started sterilising his chest area then started to work as the staff help me handing me the tools and keeping their eyes on his pressure and breathing condition

Jungkook POV

She was so kind and her words made the kid more confident and happier I just stood there admiring her beautiful face and listening to her soft voice

But then the surgery began and Y/N started .. and well .. things happened

Embarrassing things actually


The boys were standing by the operating table watching the surgery .. but as soon as I opened the kids chest revealing his internal organs I heard some of them gasp and others gulp as if they were going to throw up I looked at them and chuckled then looked back at what I was doing

A few minutes later almost all of the boys left the room in a hurry heading to the bathroom to throw up while suga .. Namjoon and Jungkook stood there .. Suga was chill but still kinda disgusted ..Namjoon also was closing his eyes with his hands looking from time to time through his fingers but he soon couldn't bare the horror movie that was happening and rushed out of the room making me giggle .. Suga and Jungkook were left now .. Jungkook turned out Pale as he put his hand on his mouth while the other one was on his stomach but soon .. He also left the room ..

Well I expected them to be stronger than that .. Suga has stayed with me until I finally transplanted the new heart .. I looked over to him and told him to pinch the heart gently .. He did and it started beating .. He breathed heavily and grinned under his mask .. He looked back at me with huge happiness in his eyes .. I closed the boy up and headed out of the room leaving the nurses to clean him up then take him to his room

The parents of the boy rushed over to me tears forming in their eyes

"Is he okey ? Please tell me he's alive" the mother said as she held my hand

I smiled at her then grabbed her shoulder with suga by my side while her husband just stood there holding his mouth with both his hands

"He's perfectly fine ma'am and soon he will be all safe and healthy again .. He's a strong kid" I said

She gasped then hugged her husband then turned towards me

"Thank you .. Thank you so much you have no idea how much we suffered to find a heart and a doctor to perform the surgery. . They all rejected saying that he was too weak and young to handle a new heart .. Thank you so much" she hugged me tightly crying I hugged her back then excused myself letting her in to see her son .. her husband just shook my hand with both of his and thanked me with teary eyes

I walked away .. Yoongi still by my side then he spoke

"You really are something L/N Y/N .. you saved a lot of lives .. and people love you for your skills and kindness I salute you for your bravery and your skills .. I was really touched to see that boy's heart beat again .. you gave him and his parents a new life.. I am proud to call you my friend"

I giggled at his long emotional speech and patted his back

"Thank you Min Yoongi.. Your words are encouraging " I said and he just smiled at me

"Y/NNNN!!!!" Jungkook shouted and ran towards me

"Shhhh you're in a hospital" I said shushing him

"Oh forgot about that sorry" he said

then the boys joined us attacking me with questions on if the boy lived and if the surgery succeeded and what they missed when they were out

"Tsk .. you cowards didn't stay for the whole thing it was amazing" Suga said making me chuckle

"Aish we couldn't keep ourselves together with all of that blood and all" Hoseok explained

"You are really strong Y/N" Namjoon said making a salute

"Haha okey enough now guys .. Jungkook needs rest so take him home and I will be heading home as well I need to have a shower and sleep a bit I'm tired .. I'll see you later Bye " I said and was about to walk away but I felt a strong grip on my waist .. It was jungkook hugging from the back

"Come with us Y/N... please .. We miss you ..... I miss you" he said while resting his head on my neck .. his breath against it just sent shivers down my spin I missed his warmth

"I need to go home and shower" I said smiling and caressing his cheek softly .. He pulled back and pouted cutely

"Okey okey fine just let me go home and bring some clothes" I surrendered to his cuteness

"YAAY thank you baby " he pecked my lips then ran to the boys

I got out and headed home to bring some stuff for the sleepover

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