Chapter 17: Accident

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Nayoung POV

"So I payed you now when are you doing to get the job done ?"

"Tonight of course miss "

"Okey but remember .. I want her dead ..If not .. then hurt so badly that she can't even move"

"I get it"


After school the boys and I decided to go out for some ice cream

So right after school I rushed home and changed into an outfit .. I won't get out with the school uniform though.. huh

I met up with the guys at the park .. We hang out for a while there then went to grab some ice cream .. We sat on a table near by the ice cream shop .. We laughed we chatted we shared beautiful moments ..and we were so greatful for having each other

On the way back .. It was almost dark and the boys decided to walk me home I just nodded and we headed home
It was a red light for cars and green for us so the boys crossed the street while I grabbed a bracelet that fell of my wrist but as soon as I got up I noticed a car rushing towards me and the last thing I remember was the boys screaming out my name .. then it all went black

Jungkook POV

We cross the street and turned around to Y/N who apparently dropped something and went back to grab it .. She got up and turned to face another direction we looked over the same direction and there we saw a black car rushing towards Y/N

Before any of us could make a move Y/N was already on the floor swimming in her own blood .. lifeless

We all screamed her name and rushed over to her .. Namjoon hyung called immediately the ambulance

I just sat there and held Y/N's lifeless body in my hands caressing her cheek gently.. tears dropping from my eyes

"No no please don't .. please don't leave me Y/N baby .. P-please open your eyes " I said between sobs

All of the boys were crying and sitting on their knees circling Y/N

"Pleaase open your eyes baby please let me see them again" I hugged her really tight not caring about the blood
The ambulance finally came and took Y/N away to the hospital as we followed too

Y/N was entered into the operation room and she's been there for hours .. A nurse then came out .. We all rushed over to her attacking her with questions

"Please .. Your friend is in a very dangerous condition and she lost a lot of blood I'm going to bring her . Le bags of blood I can't be late " she said really fast and walked off

I fell on the floor burying my face in my hand I begun to sob really hard as the boys tried to calm me down

After an hour of waiting the doctor finally came out .. I rushed to him waiting for him to say something

"We did the best we could .. We treated all that has to be treated but she's still in a coma now I can't know anything until she wakes up but let me tell you that she is a very strong girl .. an accident like this could have killed her but her body is amazingly resisting" he said with an impressed look on his face as he walked away

I just stood there staring at the wall blankly not moving nor saying anything but soon tears started rolling down my cheeks and my hyungs came to comfort me

The nurse came after a while and said that we could finally go to Y/N's room and see her

Namjoon called her parents and they said that they will be her in the morning since they're not in Korea

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