Part 4

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She looked at me as if she didn't know this was my shop. I smiled just to keep it professional. "Cmon in" I said. My assistant left and there we was face to face. "Shut my door and have a seat!" I said. She shut the door and sat in the chair. "So who tf sunt you here? I really thought that ass whooping you got would've knocked some sense in your head!" I said. "I didn't know this was your salon, I just need a job!" She said smacking on her gum. "And you can get a job, just NOT here, now bitch get out of my office!" I said. "Make me bitch!" She said getting loud in my office. Now I had to catch myself because this is my business and my customers are just outside of this door but I had to quickly check this bitch just to let her know who tf I am. "I have no problem dragging your ass out of here BUT that's not how we act around here, so Ima just tell yo ghetto ass one more time to get tf out of my office and exit out of my shop" I said getting in her face. "By the way, your wig is crooked, you wouldn't be caught working in my shop" I said. "That's because Jamal was pulling on it last night" She speeding out of my office. "I swear Ima kill Jamal, putting me thru this damn shit" I said to myself. About 10 mins later in walks my assistant. "Avery your client is here!" My assistant Rachel said. "Okay, girl be right out." I said.

*6 hours later*

"Closing time!" I said. "Before you guys leave make sure your station is clean and make sure all electric hair tools are unplug! I'm leaving, you guys have a blessed night." I said walking out the door. "Also Rachel make sure the security locks up the salon and make sure you guys get in your cars safely" I said smiling. "Yes mam" she said. I enjoyed my job and the people who worked there. They were very respectful just like me so we got along well. "I'm so hungry" I said as I begin driving off from the salon. "A dinner date by myself wouldn't hurt perhaps." I said to myself. I stopped at this nice little restuarant and got a table for one. I sat at my table and looked thru the menu. "Hello mam, are you ready to order?" Said the waiter. "Yes sir, I would like the garlic pasta dish with a glass of red wine." I said smiling. I sat there looking thru my phone as I waited on my meal, a gentleman from the bar kept giving me the eye. He then got up and walked to my table. "What's a beautiful woman like you doing here alone?" He said. He was tall, dark and handsome with some pretty ass white teeth. "Just having some me time." I said smiling. "Mind if I join you?" He asked. "Yes.... I mean I do mind, I just wanna take this time to clear my thoughts, you know that's why I said I'm having some me time." I said. "I understand, but you know whenever you sick of having " me" time call me when your ready to have "we" time." He said handing me a piece of paper with his number on it. I laughed. He walked back over to the bar. Omgggg he was so fine y'all, like every inch of him but I'm not gone be too fast to mingle just yet, I really should take the time to find myself or should I give it a shot and enjoy myself? "Here you are mam" the waiter said. "Smell yummy thank you!" I said. After eating, I went ahead and paid and left a tip. I walked out of the restaurant door and I again see the man that gave me his number. "You know I'm starting to think your a stalker." I said. "You got jokes, I just waited on you because I believe in second chances." He said. I then laughed. "Go for it!" I said. "I wanted to know can I take you on a date and get to know you better, by the way I'm Jeremy." He said smiling. "I'm Avery but I have to go!" I said getting into my car smiling. "Damn she's hard to get, I like that though" He mumbled to hisself and stood there smiling. I pulled off the parking lot and headed home. I pulled up in my drive way. Walked in the house and as usual Jamal wasn't there. I took my purse to my bedroom and got in the shower. As I was in the shower it was feeling so good and I felt relief coming off me from the steam of the hot water. Then I heard footsteps and seen a shadow. "JAMAL? That's you?" I yelled. "MALLLL!!!!" I yelled again. No answer again. I turned the shower off. "Jamal this isn't funny!" I yelled.  I jumped out the shower to make sure it was clear to walk thru my own house. I throwed my rope on and I grabbed my baseball bat. I eased out of my bedroom and into the hallway leading to my living room. I looked out of my window and Jamal car wasn't there. My hands started shaking. And then I heard footstep coming from down stairs.

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