Part 30-31

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"She's kinda heavy." Jayla said. "Stfu we almost up the stairs!" Jeremy yelled.

I woke up from being knocked out from a spiked drink.
"Where am I" i said. I tried to move but I felt that I was tied with rope on my hands and feet.
"HELPPPPPP!!!!!!" I yelled. "HELPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!" I suddenly heard foot steps running up the stairs. I got so scared. "BITCH SHUT UP! Say one more motherfuckin thing and I swear imma slap yo ass!!" Jayla said. "Jayla don't do this!!!" I yelled. "I do what tf I'm paid to do!" She said. What tf does that even suppose to mean??

Jamal POV

Ten mins rolled by and I decided to get out and go get Avery myself. I walk up to the door. Jeremy opens the door. "Come for round 2?" He said. "I actually came to apologize" I lied. "Oh really?" He said sarcastically. "I was wrong for messing with your girlfriend." I said. "She's not my girlfriend, she's my wife." He said. My eyes got big. "Yes sorry about that" I said. "It's all good." He said trying to rush and close the door. "Mind if I come in?" I said. "I'm kinda tied up in somethings right now" he said.
"I want to apologize to Jayla, I'll be out if your hair in a min" I said entering in. He stood there and then closed the door behind me. "You know I never realized how nice your place was." I said. "That's because you was too busy messing around with my wife." He said looking serious. I looked awkward and changed the convo. "Have you seen Avery today?" I asked. "No I have not ." He said. He was just lying. "I'll just give her a call." I said calling her phone. "No man I dont think you need to do that." He said. "Sure I do!" I said. *RING RING* the phone rang and it was sitting on the coffee table in there house. I stood up. "Where tf is Avery!!?" I yelled. "Your about to find out" he said. Next thing I know I got hit upside the head. "All done" jayla said.

Part 31

Avery's POV

I sat there in the dark room, cold,
Hungry and scared. I could not see and I was panicking, being tied up is so torturing . I heard Another sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. "You got company" Jeremy said. He threw Jamal on  the floor. "Jeremy? I love you, we planned a future together." I said trying to reel him in. "Not buying it bitch!" He said slamming the door after he walked out. "Ughghhhhhhh" i said.
About 3 mins later. Jamal woke up in the room they had us in. "YOOOO I CANT SEE SHIT!" He yelled. "I can't see shit either." I said. "Avery that's you? Are you okay?" He said. "Yes I'm okay but did you call the cops?" I asked. "Umm" he said. "Your dumb ass didn't call the police!!!!?" I yelled at him in the dark room. "I'm sorry I was tryna come to your rescue my self" he said. "You ain't no damn firefighter, your JAMAL! When you become a firefighter then you can rescue somebody" I yelled frustratedly. "Ughhhh we got to get tf out of here." I said trying to get out of the rope. It was so hard to get a loose from. "Why would they even take me from the start?" I said mad. "I don't know!" Jamal said. Jeremy walked in the room and cut on the lights. "Are y'all thirsty?" He said. "Yes" we both said. He walked over to me with a bottle of water and water falls it in my mouth but the most of the water got on the floor I was so mad. "Should've had your mouth wider" Jeremy said laughing. I spitted at him. "You son of a bitch!" I yelled. Jeremy reaches and starts choking me. "Let her go!" Jamal yelled. "Let me go!" I said struggling. "I'm gonna just kill you now!" He yelled. "Kill you now!!!!" He yelled squeezing my neck tighter. "So your gonna kill me and your own unborn child?" I said. He slowly released his hand off my neck and opened his mouth widely.

To be continued...

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