Chapter 42

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I pour one bag in the bowl and turn around, ready to grab the second bag, while Jade grabs some glasses and drinks. I turn around to pour the next bag of popcorn in the bowl, when...

Those sneaky thieves.


"MASON! JAYDEN!" I scream

They look at me with these mischievous smiles on their faces and continue to eat from our popcorn.

Jade scoffs, when she sees the problem. I speed over to the boys and stand in front of the tv with my hands on my hips.

"Hey, you're blocking the tv. Go away!"

"Good morning Sherlock, that's the point, dumbáss" I roll my eyes at Mason's stupidity

"What were you expecting us to do? You didn't want to give us popcorn"

"Because you can make your own" I sigh annoyed

He gives the bowl of popcorn to Jayden and gets up. Meanwhile, Jade tries to grab the bowl from Jayden, who's taller than her and holds it above her head.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask, looking at Mason suspiciously

"Getting you away from the screen" he smirks and lifts me up

"Hey! Stop it! That's not fair!" I scream, stribbling in his grip

Why can't the ásshole never listen? Arrgghhh! Now I'm stuck watching the game, on his freaking lap!

"Jade, he-, Gmmpfff ueiwoa pohd dokde"

"Sorry, I didn't get that. Can you repeat it for me, please?" Mason smirks

"Gajlskdj yoiuikj haoeknd oeioofk jdskle njirifdkldc"

"Nope, still didn't understand"

I huff in annoyance.


I lick his hand, I know, gross, but I would like to be able to at least talk! Mason immediately takes his hand of my mouth and removes his other arm from my waist and arms. I jump up and look at Jade and Jayden.


"MY EYES, HELP! I NEED SOME HOLY WATER!" I yell exaggerated

Mason chuckles and Jade and Jayden pull away from each other. Jade mischievously looks from me, to the popcorn, to me again and to the popcorn.


Silence. I knit my eyebrows in confusion and look at her like she has gone crazy.

She does it again and Mason gets up as fast as he can.

"Oh, I don't think so" he says

"OHHH" I finally realize what she meant and grab the popcorn, before Mason can touch it.

"Turtle" I stick my tongue out at Mason

Jade quickly grabs the other bowl and the drinks and we run upstairs, closing the door behind us.

Knock knock.

"Go away" Jade groans

I chuckle and lock my door. I should've thought of that sooner.

Knock knock.


"Just give us some popcorn" Jay sighs

"No, make your own"

"But you guys took the last one"

"Bullshít, there are more in the kitchen. Now leave before we kill you, you guys have interrupted our girl night way too often already"

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