Chapter 1: Hero

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"Great Teaching requires incredible talent and dedication, strong intellectual ability and interpersonal skill, real discipline, and empathy." -  Bruce Rauner

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Electronic or Telepathic Speech
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading" - Super Moves or Abilities

~ Onto The Story ~

"Izumi, look to your left," Izuku said as he pulled an earbud out of Izumi's ear, but as she turned around she saw Mt. Lady flying kick a giant, triangle-headed villain in the face. Then Mt. Lady landed with her ass towards the crowd.

"Nice to make your Ass-Quaintance."

"Do all heroes make bad puns?" Izumi asked as she stared at the wreckage the villain caused.

"No," Izuku said as he did something on his phone. "But very few make debuts like this. Personally, I just fought a huge villain with a small speech at the end."

"Better get to school... God, I hope to never say that again," Izumi said before running off with Izuku running after her until they reached Aldera Junior High. "See you Nii-san!"

After her departure, Izuku made his way to his hero agency where he met up with Nezu, a small bear/mouse hybrid but is honestly just a highly intelligent, mutated creature that runs the UA hero academy.

"Nezu, what can I do you for?" Izuku said as he went into an elevator with the mentioned creature of undefined species.

"Just a request," Nezu said as the elevator stopped and they sat down in Izuku's office. 

"What are you up to?"

"Well, I want you to teach at UA."


"Besides the fact that your little sister applied and I know you'd do everything to help her get in."

"Nezu, I think I know you well enough that there's something else you're planning."

"Fine, All Might is looking for a successor and is going to be a teacher trying to do so. But I need you to make sure nothing goes wrong, even though we have All Might and a successor planned already."

Then Izuku pulled out a set of tea before taking a sip and putting on his glasses. "Let me take a guess, either you believe my little sister has a chance at holding One for All and eventually take down All for One or you think I should try to defeat All for One with quirks that I've mastered against the quirks that he has."

"Bullseye!" Nezu says before drinking a cup of tea. "But I believe Izumi has potential as One for All's successor, although you might be able to pass down your quirk to her. Generally, I want you to protect the students while training them to their best ability."

'Great,' Izuku thought while sipping more tea. 'Protect my sister who will inherit One for All and Quirk Transfusion or leave her in the hands of a naive hero who wants to protect everyone.'

"I'll do it, but if I remember correctly, Nemuri-chan is currently working there, right?" Izuku asked as his interest seemed to peak.

"Yes, your fiance is working there and seems to enjoy it. Despite the mass groups of hormonal teenage boys there," Nezu said with slight disdain in his voice as he gave Izuku a card. "Come tomorrow to get your class information and some other things you'll be needing."

After nodding, Nezu left the office as Izuku looked back at the clock. '10:30' it read, Izuku moved around his office before someone walked into his room. The said person was Ryuku, the number nine hero, who can transform into a dragon.

"Ryuku, what can I do for you?"

"I believe we have a joint patrol today with our agencies." She said calmly as she fixed her headband. 

Without another word, the pair left to patrol the city and be on standby.

~ Time Skip ~
~ Brought by Chibi Izuku chasing Chibi Ryuku ~

A few hours later, Izumi Midoriya was finally done with her classes and packing up. But before she could leave, Katsuki Bakugo slammed his hand down on her desk, startling the girl.

"Oi! Deku!" Katsuki shouted as the mentioned girl tried to run away, only to be stopped by Katsuki's lackeys. "Don't even try getting into UA, I'm going to be the only one from this shitty school to get into UA!"

"K-Katsuki-k-kun," Izumi stuttered before she made a break for the other door and ran outside. Eventually, she kept running until she reached the underside of a bridge where she stopped to catch her breath. 'Why today, couldn't that teacher keep his mouth shut for once?'

All of the sudden, Izumi's foot was grabbed by a green sludge that was coming out of the sewer. As the rest of the sludge came out, a giant, sentient blob of sludge was there with only a mouth and eyes.

"Ahh... A new meat shield, and a cute one too," The sludge said as it wrapped around her body. But before it could completely cover her body, she tapped on the gem on her bracelet.

In an instant, Izuku was there in a flash of black before running around the sludge and grabbing Izumi out of it. "Hey, you okay?" She nodded in response before he grabbed a convenient soda bottle and gathered the villain into it.

"Nii-san, how'd you get here so fast?"

"I'll tell you on our way home, okay?" Izuku said as he finished gathering the villain. "But I gotta apologize to Ryuku and put this guy away."

A short time later, the sludge villain was arrested and Ryuku got a new necklace as an apology gift while Izuku and Izumi walked home together.

"Izumi," He said getting her attention away from her phone. "My quirk is very special... Essentially, I can copy someone's quirk by taking some of their DNA and now I have quite the arsenal of quirks at my disposal."

"Actually... " Izumi started before playing with her bracelet. "Nii-san, could you train me for the UA entrance exam?"

"One condition."

"Really, I'll do it whatever the condition is!" She said joyfully as she hug-tackled Izuku.

"Seriously, hear me out for once," He said before getting her off of him. "The condition is that you must inherit my quirk."

"... What?" She said lost as they stopped walking.

"I mean my DNA will work nearly perfectly with yours, so I should be able to give you my quirk. But mind you, I never tested it out before so it may or may not work."

"I don't care!" She said before running in front of him. "If I can be a hero and help others, I'll do it!"

That's A Wrap!

Reference (Correct me if I'm wrong)
Nii-san is Older Brother


Hyperspeed (Izuku) - Izuku can move at hypersonic speeds and potentially lightspeed with more training, but it does take an extreme amount of stamina to use.

A/N: Hey! I have another super OP main character that was inspired by All For One and One For All, but let me explain a few things.

1. Izuku only takes quirks that he deems 'have potential,' so he takes quirks that can become useful to him with sufficient training. So, he is the opposite of All For One.

2. Izumi is a hero fanatic but wants to be like her Nii-san more than anything else.

3. Izuku is engaged to Midnight who will be 23 years old in this story.

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