Chapter 3: A New Day

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"With a new day comes new strength and new thoughts." - Eleanor Roosevelt

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Telepathy or Electronic Communication
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves 

~ Let's Start The Story! ~

The rest of the 8 months passed by fairly quickly, but the results were quite amazing. First, Izumi cleaned up the entire beach with the help of her new quirk, but her body became quite muscular to the point where she had grown a six-pack. As for Izuku, he's become quite popular with interviews and social events with other heroes, although he's always preferred to stop crime with his agency than do the events. To more important matters, Izumi's entrance exam was today and she was still asleep.

"Izumi!" Izuku shouted into her ear as she groggily woke up. "Did you forget your exam is today?" He asked while showing her his phone.

"No... " She said innocently before using her hyperspeed to run to the bathroom to take a shower. Then she did her usual routine at super speeds before she raced her brother to UA, which Izuku won. "I'll see you later, Nii-san!" She yelled before running into one of UA's buildings to take the written portion of the exam.

'Guess I'll check in with the rest of the teachers.' Izuku thought before walking into the staff room which was quite dark while all the staff looked at several monitors with data for each exam participant displayed. "So, what'd I miss?"

"We were just talking about some recommended students." Replied Nemuri as Izuku sat down next to her.

"Anything interesting about them?" Izuku said before looking over some documents that were left in front of him.

"Well, Momo Yaoyorozu seems to be the best academically while Shoto Todoroki had the best practical scores even without his quirk." Answered Nezu as Izuku found their folders. "So we'll be putting them in Class 1-A with you as their teacher, Midoriya-san."

"Okay, but the formalities are unnecessary. I don't even let my sidekicks do that." He replied before the monitors switched to some surveillance cameras and showed the participants going to the auditorium. "I have a bad feeling about this." He mumbled under his breath as he saw his imouto walking to the auditorium.

Back to Izumi, she completed the written exam and had full confidence that she passed it, but as for the practical portion, she isn't as confident that she'll pass. Right now, she's on her way to the auditorium for the briefing for the practical portion, which seems a bit of a long process.

'I wonder what we'll be doing. Nii-san only told me that he'll be grading me based on my actions and choices.' Izumi thought but tripped mid-thought and was about to use her quirk to stop herself, but was touched on the back before she could.

"I'm sorry I used my quirk without asking!" Yelled a nervous yet cute feminine voice from behind Izumi. "I just thought it'd be a bad omen if you tripped before the exam." She said once again before Izumi realized she was floating and made herself upright which allowed her to see a brunette girl slightly shorter than herself.

"It's no problem, my name's Izumi Midoriya by the way." She introduced as she made sure everything she had was where it was before. 

"Oh, my name is Ochaco Uraraka." The Brunette introduced herself as she put her fingers together and released her quirk. "Good luck with the exam, Midoriya-san."

"Good luck as well, Uraraka-san," Izumi replied as Ochaco ran the rest of the way to the auditorium while Izumi continued to walk.

In the auditorium, Izumi was assigned to seat with Katsuki which he just ignored as Izumi started to mumble while reading the pamphlet she was given before entering the auditorium. As the last few students filed into the auditorium, the stage lit up as a man in shiny leather clothes, star-shaped shades, and a collar made of speakers walked onto the stage as his blonde hair was visibly greased into an upward curl.

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