Chapter 7

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The Days Of UA: Class 1-A and Class 1-B

"Sometimes, it's just great to bring new people into the mix."
- John Oates -

'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Electronic Speech
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves or Abilities

~ Have Fun Reading! ~

Today is the third day at UA and the last time the author is using filler for this 'arc' because she'll have the time to make 'quality' content. But today, Class 1-A and 1-B are having joint classes with Izuku all day for training.

"Class today you'll be getting into your P.E. uniforms and meeting in Gym Gamma. Class B if you don't know where it is, follow someone from Class A." Said Izuku as he ran to the gym in the blink of an eye as Midnight fell from outside the door with a black collar in her hand once again.

A/N: Yes this will be a recurring event.

After 10 minutes of waiting, all of the students were waiting for their sensei as he kept dodging Midnight's attempts at getting that collar on him. But he kept talking despite the task.

"Hello everyone, don't mind her this happens all the time since she got that. But please pair up with someone and spar with them for 10 minutes, then switch after the 10 minute timer goes off." He said as he created a wall of solid air that Midnight crashed into. "if you would like an example, I bet that Midnight would like to spar with me on certain terms. So would anyone like me to spar with her?"

At that moment, everyone in Class 1-A raised their hands immediately awaiting Izuku's 'punishment' which the other class asked about and the girls started to raise their hands as well. "Then you'll put this on after we spar!" Midnight cheered as she threw the collar to Izumi who just held it.

So, Midnight and Izuku stood across from each other, one eyeing the other lustfully and sternly, respectfully. In an instant, Izuku created streams of different elements from water to magma, but Midnight ripped open her sleeve allowing her quirk to activate. "If you rip that bodysuit any more, I'm not coming to court!" Izuku joked as he created a solid air wall to protect the students.

"Don't worry, my body is just for you~!" She shouted lustfully as Izuku manipulated the air around her to move her aroma before he electrocuted to the back of her neck, rendering Nemuri unconscious.

Before she fell to the floor, Izuku used his Hyperspeed to catch her then turning to his students with Nemuri in his arms, bridal style. In response, Izumi put the collar into her pocket just in case.

"Class, this is my fiance." He said straight-faced as the student's reactions ranged from jealousy to shock. "But pair up with someone and start sparing until lunch, after that we'll do more spars with an opponent of your choice but in front of everyone else."

With that said, everyone paired up leaving Izumi with a girl with orange hair tied into a ponytail on the side of her head. "Hey... " Izumi said as the girls got ready to spar.

~ Time Skip ~
~ Brought to you by Midnight 'sleeping' in Izuku's lap ~

After lunch, both Class 1-A and Class 1-B returned to Gym Gamma but their teacher wasn't there. So with a little bit of searching, Izumi found Midnight fingering a green-haired woman in the spectator's room. She slowly closed the door as Midnight noticed Izumi and quickly tried to chase after her but Izumi didn't use her Hyperspeed quirk, just like Izuku.

Speaking off which, the green-haired woman got out of her horny state and was only wearing an oversized dress shirt. Without saying anything, she found Midnight's remote and turned into Izuku before quickly dressing in his green suit.

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