More Morning Talks

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Todoroki went to bed at ten as agreed. He didn't go to sleep, opting for texting Yaoyorozu until midnight and then switching to Midoriya after that. Todoroki was one of the few people that actually knew about Midoriya's lack of sleep. He had trouble staying still as a result of Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS for short) and every time he tried falling asleep thoughts would invade his mind endlessly.

It was 2am when Yamada woke up to get a drink. Passing the boy's room, he saw a faint glow coming from underneath the door. He didn't pay much mind to it at first and instead went to get his drink. Aizawa was at the dining table, going through some paperwork. Getting his water, he sat in front of the other man with half open eyes; signing to the other carelessly. Yamada's quirk was loud and lead to him being deaf in both ears by the time he was in his second year of high school. At night, the hearing aids were taken out- hence the signing.

"What?" Aizawa whispered. Yamada was very tired and his movements were sloppy and sluggish. He signed back 'I couldn't see properly. Again'. Yamada repeated the motions. Aizawa nodded this time, getting most of the message. Grunting as he stood, he made his way to the youngest's room. He knocked softly before opening the door. The room was dark, but Aizawa had seen the light from under the door. He found the boy's phone by his pillow and picked it up. It was warm, "Todoroki, I know you're awake." he whispered. The phone buzzed as the screen lit up. Aizawa made a note to speak with Midoriya later in the day. The boy stayed stock still, afraid to breath even slightly off in fear of the man noticing. Aizawa sighed, making a note to talk to Todoroki as well, "Night, kid." he murmured, closing the door behind him. He turned the phone off and went back to the kitchen, deciding to call it a night.

The next morning Todoroki was up a few minutes before either Aizawa or Yamada, in search of his phone. He concluded it must've been in the pairs bedroom after briefly searching everywhere else. Opening the door as quietly as possible, he peeked his head inside. Aizawa was curled up into Yamada's side peacefully as the other laid on his back in a similar state. Todoroki spotted his phone on the bedside table next to Aizawa and tipped toed over to get it. As he picked it up, the alarm next to Yamada went off, except it wasn't Yamada who woke up. Aizawa groaned and clambered over his spouse to turn off the awful device; causing the blond to groan at the sudden weight on his chest. Todoroki stood like a deer caught in the headlights as Aizawa opened his eyes. He yawned and rubbed the dust out of the corner of his eyes before taking in the situation.

"Why are you up so early? Ugh." he decided to complain instead.

"Do you want some coffee?" Todoroki asked. Aizawa hummed out a 'yes', allowing Todoroki to take his leave. Turning his phone back on, an abundance of messages welcomed him, "stupid Aizawa." he grumbled. He'd left Midoriya alone and felt guilty. Huffing, he called the boy. After five rings, the other line was picked up.

"...hello?" Midoriya answered, slightly out of breath.

"Hey, sorry I suddenly stopped replying last night. Aizawa took my phone off me and I only just got it back. Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I didn't sleep all that well but that's not exactly new." Midoriya joked. Todoroki felt worry build in his chest. They'd only stopped talking at two and, by the sounds of it, Midoriya had gone out for his morning run; meaning he probably got three and a half hours of sleep at best.

"When did you go to sleep?" the other asked, already anticipating the answer that would make him cringe.

"Maybe around three?" came the dreaded answer. Todoroki nearly growled but stopped himself to ask his next question.

"And what time did you wake up?" he asked.

"Around half five." the other replied nonchalantly. Now Todoroki decided to snarl down the receiver.

"Izuku! You know how bad that is. Please don't tell me you drank coffee this morning." drinking coffee only made his RLS worse for reasons unknown even to the doctors. It just did and Izuku wasn't supposed to drink it.

"...too late." Todoroki groaned.

"If you fall asleep in lessons, you're gonna get chewed out. I think Aizawa knows you were awake." Izuku let out a whiny tone on the other end.

"Come on Shouto. I never fall asleep. I'll be fine as long as I have another coffee before class starts. Look, I gotta go and shower. Talk at school, ok?" Shouto sighed, deciding to lecture the boy on his coffee intake at school.

"Ok. Bye." he hung up and turned around, startled by Aizawa leaning against the doorframe behind him. A scowl had found its home on the mans face, having heard the whole conversation.

"I think you should be less worried about Midoriya and more worried about yourself." Aizawa warned. Yamada appeared behind Aizawa with a small smile.

"Let's sit down and you can explain yourself, yeah?" he said. Todoroki nodded and pocketed his phone, going to sit at the table. Yamada sat next to him whilst Aizawa sat opposite.

"I thought we agreed ten o'clock, not two." Aizawa started. Todoroki nodded.

"We did, sorry." Todoroki said curtly, leaving a space that the men were eager to fill.

"...but?" Yamada encouraged.

"But Izuku didn't agree ten." he mumbled, twiddling his fingers.

"Why is Midoriya apart of this?" Aizawa asked, taking on his homeroom teacher role.

" 'Cause he has trouble sleeping," another short silence came. The pair were just processing the information but Todoroki took it as a cue to continue talking, " 'cause he has anxiety- and Restless Leg Syndrome." the pair filled in the rest.

"I'll speak with him," Aizawa said, frowning a little, "I thought you offered me coffee." he said. Todoroki's eyebrows rose.

"No I didn't. You must've been dreaming." he lied. Yamada stood, running his fingers through Aizawa's hair.

"I'll make you coffee." he bent and kissed the other on his temple. Aizawa hummed, leaning into the touch.

"Thanks." he murmured.

"Izuku's not allowed coffee," Todoroki said. Aizawa cocked an eyebrow, "it makes his RLS worse. So- if you see him with coffee- don't let him drink it." the other warned. Aizawa nodded.

"I will. Thanks for telling me. I'm gonna make toast. Do you want some?" he said, starting to stand. Todoroki nodded.

"Yes please- with chocolate spread?" he asked hopefully. Aizawa sighed.

"With either jam or honey. You know chocolate spread's bad for you." he said. The younger puffed his cheeks out in a pout, but Aizawa held his stare.

"Fine. I'll have jam, please." Aizawa nodded and started on the toast. Twenty minutes later and they had eaten and were lying on the sofa. They wouldn't have to leave until 08:10, so they had plenty of time. Well, had. Todoroki ended up falling back to sleep next to Aizawa who had done the same five minutes earlier. Yamada came out of the bathroom, ready to go at eight. He sighed and approached them, nudging both males.

"Wake up. We need to leave in ten minutes or we're gonna be late." the pair groaned, Todoroki snuggling closer into Aizawa's side.

"Aizawa's always late." He mumbled.

"If you're not up in the next minute, I'm gonna get my bucket of water." Yamada warned.

"He's not joking, Todoroki." Aizawa said, trying to wake himself up.

They arrived at school with half a minute to spare; Todoroki being the last one in the classroom. As he sat down, Yaoyorozu leaned over, her eyebrows were knitted together tightly.

"Why's your hair wet?"

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