Inedible Talks

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It started out fine. They measured out the ingredients, dividing the original recipe by three for a smaller batch. There was no shell from the eggs and it made it to the oven ok, a success by Yamada's standards.

Yamada opened the oven door, shutting it again immediately from the billows of smoke that greeted him. He coughed, grimaced and turned to Aizawa.

"Shouta, turn off the smoke detector, will you?" he said. Aizawa rolled his eyes, switching off the device. The apartment filled with smoke in a matter of seconds as the batch was removed from the oven. They opened the windows, using tea towels to try to get rid of the smoke quicker. Unaffected by the smoke, Todoroki sniffed at the remains of the brownies. Having no knowledge of good food, he broke off a piece with his left side; not feeling the heat. He turned to the men with a scrunched nose, an audible crunch coming from his closed mouth.

"Are they supposed to be crispy?" he asked, curiously. Yamada sighed.

"No, they're not. I thought I told you to set the oven to 180°?" the man said with a questioning tone at the end. Todoroki nodded.

"Yeah, But I thought it'd cook quicker if I put it higher." Yamada facepalmed with a groan.

"It doesn't work like that," he sighed, standing straighter, "oh well, how about we try again?"

Again, it went smoothly. Yamada triple checked the oven to make sure it was definitely on 180°. After it was in, they began washing up. Finally getting to the bowl the chocolate was melted in, he rinsed it out first; only to find a giant crack at the bottom. A crack in the glass bowl that was perfectly in tact before the second batch of chocolate began to melt. Yamada groaned again, trudging over to the oven. He pulled the batch out and set them on the counter to cool; still raw inside.

He glanced at Todoroki who had his back turned, watching the tv next to Aizawa. He picked up his phone.

Hizashi <3
Keep him distracted for 10 mins

He huffed, getting out the ingredients again. Going as quickly as he could, he whipped up another batch in ten minutes. A new record, he noted. The death brownies were thrown away and the dishes were washed one more time. He sat on the sofa, Todoroki in the middle of the trio. The boy turned to the blond.

"Are they ready yet?" he asked, starting to get hungry. Yamada smiled.

"Give it another ten-fifteen minutes." he said. The younger nodded, smelling the air.

"It smells better this time." Yamada chuckled. Twenty minutes passed and they finally pulled an edible batch from the oven. Using his left side again, he broke off a piece and put in his mouth before either adults could stop him.

"Shouto, be careful. It'll be hot." Aizawa said without thinking. Todoroki paused mid-bite.

"Yes, dad." he remarked, sarcastically without missing a beat.

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