Homework Talks

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The following day, it was fifth period and the class were in English. Present Mic was going through the register, checking the homework he had set over a week ago.

"Todoroki." Yamada called. Their eyes met.

"I didn't do it, sorry." he said, not sorry at all. The blond sighed, writing something down.

"And why is that?" he asked, glancing up at the last second.

"I've been having a really stressful time at home and it just slipped my mind- sorry." the younger milked. Yamada resisted the urge to scowl and nodded.

"Ok. I'll let you off just this once. Make sure you hand it into me next lesson." he said, writing something else down.

"I will." Todoroki replied, not looking at his teacher.

"Hagakure?" he continued.


The family of three gathered at the dinner table that night. Yamada dug his chop sticks in his rice a little too forcefully.

"Shouto." the blond called. Said boy paused mid-bite, looking up slowly.

"Yeah?" he mumbled around his food.

"What part of 'homework is compulsory' do you not understand?" Yamada asked, slightly passive aggressively. Shouto stayed silent, "I want you to do your English homework after dinner," more silence ensued, "and you're grounded."

"What? But that's not fair-"

"-You did your homework for all your other subjects except English- and I know it was because you don't like my subject. And you also know that that's no excuse." he scolded. Shouto nodded and brought his chopsticks to his mouth again. He swallowed.

"'M sorry." he mumbled. He pushed his food around his bowl absentmindedly.

"It's all right." Yamada said, standing with his bowl. As he went to wash up, Aizawa leaned over the table.

"Ignore him. He's just grumpy," he said, picking up a piece of meat from his own plate. Placing it on the others plate, he stole a few chopstick-fulls of rice in exchange. Shouto eyed him curiously, "the rice is over cooked." was all he said.

They finished dinner and Shouto did his homework under the watchful eye of Yamada. The blond went to bed early, like always; leaving the pair on the sofa. Aizawa reached for the tv remote, switching it to a program that he knew Shouto would like. He got up and left the boy, returning a few minutes later with a plate. Handing it to him, he grunted.

"Don't tell Hizashi." he grumbled. Shouto picked up a piece of the toast- chocolate spread lathered over every inch of toast. He smiled softly.

"Thanks." he mumbled, taking a bite.

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