CHAPTER 10 (by bumfromkorea)

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[My guess is this was partially incorporated in the taxi scene back from the high-school uniform --> club]

Ah, Saturday... Saturdays are always the best.

No school... I don't have to wake up early and face the hangover... I can stay up all night surfing websites...

ALSO! You can express your... love to each other... all night long... hehehehe...

It was early in the morning, and I got a call from her.

"Her": Hey... so what do you like?

Me: Um.. girls?

"Her": Idiot... I meant, what do you like to eat?

Me: Yeah, I know. Girls (... I'm so sorry about this)

"Her": Wanna die? Anyway, my parents won't be home for two days, so come over and I'll make you something.

Me: Really? You want me to come over? And you're going to make me something?

"Her": Yes! So tell me what you want to eat already before I change my mind.

She's.... She's actually doing something nice for me? Right? She is doing something nice for me, right?

She calls me over because she's going to alone in the house for two days? What makes her think she'll be safer with me over there?

I was invited to her house... this is my first time over there since I met her... I should groom myself a bit, right?

I went to a public bathhouse [Note: lol... this does not carry the same implication as it does in United States. It is literally a place with several gigantic baths and showers where people go take baths.], and my face turned a several shades whiter. I wore my best underwear... glow-in-the-dark skull pattern... -_-;; It actually looks really cool when it's dark... you know, with skulls glowing... I also borrowed a Chanel perfume from my little sister [Note:... yeah, I don't know why he used his sister's either...]

I arrived at Bupyeong station... she said she would come and get me when I call her, but I decided to buy a little present beforehand... I was invited, after all...

She came over in a cab and took me to her house...

I guessed that she was rich, but her house was pretty big... a giant front door... and a Shepherd the size of a lion started to go crazy and barked at me.

"Her": That's strange... Chacha (dog's name) never barks at people, even to strangers... Are you thinking about something perverted?

Me: How would a dog know what I'm thinking about?! He's just nervous because I'm new to him (smart dog...)

"Her": But he never barks when my friends are over... that's so strange...

How the hell did this dog caught on? Do you remember that scene from "There's Something About Mary" where the main character fights with a dog, and... Well, just in case, I covered... myself with my hands...

I'd rather face a pair of scissors... -_-;

Once inside, she poured me a cup of juice and told me she was going to make lunch even though it's kinda late. So I sat down on a sofa with absolutely nothing going through my mind.

"Hey! Lunch is ready! Hurry up!"

I could see the warm, comforting steam coming from her lunch... it's ramen....

"... I thought you were going to make something special?"

"Yeah, it's a special ramen. Looks good, right?"

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