CHAPTER 30 (by Yehjee)

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"Dad~~ I'm here with Gyeonwoo~,"

She said while taking off her shoes. I took my shoes off too.

As we entered the house, her mother greeted us.

Mother: Welcome~

And a kid followed her mother and said to me,

Kid: Wow~~ Here comes Jjajangmyeon (Chinese style noodle)~~!

Gyeonwoo: -_-;; (This kid..)

Kid: Aunty~~ isn't this Jjajangmyeon?

Mother: Seriously... this kid calls everyone Jjajangmyeon.

She: He is my friend. Say hi to him.

Kid: Hi

Gyeonwoo: Hey~ How are you? You're good looking~

(You want me to spank you? Why are you calling me Jjajangmyeon? ...-_-)

I said hi to her mother and went into the main room where there were her father and uncle playing go (Baduk).

"Dad, Gyeonwoo is here"

Gyeonwoo: Hi

Father: Hi welcome, have a seat.

She and I sat right next to the go board, which was half covered by black and white stones.

Her father asked me while playing it,

Father: Can you play go?

Gyeonwoo: Yeah.. I've tried a bit when I was in army.

And then a few minutes have past. The stones on the go board started to look mixed and turn into gray.

I almost fell asleep. I had no idea what to do.

Just at that moment, her mother came in with some juice. I was so relieved.

Mother: Please wait until the dinner is ready.

Gyeonwoo: Yes, maam.

Father: Do you wanna play it with me?

Gyeon; No, I'm just a beginner.

Once you start billiards, you are already level 30; once you start playing go, you are already level 18.

I used to play go when I was in army for around a month, and a new recruit who were like level 5 said to me,

"You must be around level 12! I can tell you are learning really fast!"

-_-.V (Being haughty).... Sorry, I should be humble.

-_-.v (Being humble.......)

But I knew that I could never be the match for her father. If he keeps asking me to play go, I'm gonna go with my own way!!

I have something that I can do better than him. You know what it is?

Go-stop!!! -_-;;; (Small card game which is also called Hwatu)

Luckily, he didn't ask again me to play go with me. If he did, I would have suggested playing Go-stop....

"Dinner is ready, come have a seat~"

Her father, mother, uncle, aunt, she and I, 6 of us, sat around the table.

The little kid???

"Order Jjajangmyeon~~~"

He refused to have dinner, running around the table, shouting like this. -_-;;

I was about to eat, and this kid kept talking about Jjajangmyeon, and it made me feel nausea.

Damn it!!!! I hate Jjajangmyeon..

I had to eat alot in front of all these elders, and this kid was making me go crazy. -_-;;;;

And he started to talk to me. I guess I was the easiest person to talk to.

"Please~ please buy me Jjajangmyeon~"

"Uhh.. Jja..jangmyeon.... o..kay....."

"Hey zombie~! Stop making noise. Go away!", she said.

Her word made him immediately become quiet and go watch television.

His reaction to her word made me guess how much he has been punished by her.

I suddenly started to feel sorry for him.

It felt like I met my side in the middle of war.

I've never had this feeling when someone talked about Jjajangmyeon.

Usually I used to just ignore those who mention Jjajangmyeon.... -_-;;

Right now, I have finished having dinner and sitting on a couch.

Like the last time, her father is sitting on the main seat, and she and I are sitting on the same couch, facing her uncle and aunt.

I started to feel nervous. My whole body was feeling a twinge.

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