CHAPTER 18 (by bumfromkorea)

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But when I was making my way to the station, someone suddenly grabbed my shoulder... and turned me around by force...

Suddenly, something flashed before my eyes... I was stunned for about 5 seconds... I was trying to figure out what had just happened...

It was her... She had ran towards me, grabbed my right shoulder with her left hand... like a scene in a romantic movie, turned me around by force... and with her right hand...


Punched me right in my left eye.... it bruised up nicely, like this o.O <==

Typically, such human body part is referred to as an "eye". But when an outside force exerts such excess pressure on it, the name changes to something more professional and medical...

'Eyeball', I think they call it....

I covered my eye-, no, eyeball with my hand... and looked at her with my other eye...

Her: Follow me!

Me: T.O

If I didn't follow her, she probably would have made the other eye an eyeball as well... so I followed her while putting some distance between us.

Perhaps... My thoughts were muddled by alcohol...

I should've stayed there... and witness her getting over her wounds as she finds happiness after all this time... that was the moment I had wished for... that moment was then...

But I walked out on her instead... what was I thinking?

I followed her back to the bar. He asked her where she went, but she didn't answer him.

I ordered another drink...

Me: Excuse me!

Part-timer: Yes, sir?

Me: Can I get a pint of beer and... do you guys have any eggs? [T/N: a common folk treatment for bruises, especially bruises around the eyes, is to rub a cold egg on the spot... apparently it disperses the blood?]

The part-timer stared at my eye...ball...

Then the part-timer brought me a pint and an egg... It was a bit embarrassing. He said he drove here and that he shouldn't drink any more... so I drank by myself....

A mug on my right hand and an egg on my left hand, rubbing my left eyeball.

I was done drinking, and we were out of food... He looked like he sobered up as well... and she wasn't drinking in the first place. She said

"Let's go do some karaoke."

I had no idea then what she was trying to do. Why is she trying so hard to extend this boring and awkward meeting? Why was she extending her own misery?

He wanted more time to sober up so that he can drive, so he agreed. I agreed as well... for my right eye's sake.

The karaoke place was on the floor above the bar. The three of us got a rather big room. You know, they say that a really good voice singing a good song can give the listeners a minor orgasm. [T/N: ... I have no idea if this is true...] And usually it makes people want to go pee [T/N: ... *shrug*].

I was familiar with the concept. When I sing, my friends all want to go to the restroom... You know, to avoid listening to me sing...

I don't really like going to karaoke... I suck at singing... But I'm really good at using tambourine... No matter what kind of song, ballad, rock, dance, trot, or whatever, I can accompany it well with the... tambourine...

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