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"Where do you think you're going, princess?"

I held my breath, feeling the gun press further into my back, and I squeezed my eyes shut. He grabbed my arm and turned me around, and I could see the light from the moon reflecting in his bright, green eyes and illuminating his fair skin.

"I-I—," I began, but they way he tightened his jaw and flared his nostrils had me at a loss for words and full of terror.

"Just stop." He said, shaking his head. He began dragging me back to the bedroom, saying, "Just get back in the room before anyone knows you tried escaping. I'm being a lot nicer than they would be."

I allowed him to take me back to the bedroom, but immediately after I crossed the threshold, my stomach growled. I blushed, feeling embarrassed, but he sighed and said, "You're hungry."

"I'm fine." I said quietly. What I wanted was to go home.

He shut the door without another word, locking it and his footsteps faded away. All the adrenaline I had built up throughout the night had finally slipped away, causing all of my emotions to catch up. I felt the tears prick at my eyes, knowing I may never speak to my mother again, or my sister. I didn't know if I would ever leave, and if I tried, would they kill me too? None of them looked like they would hesitate with their finger over a trigger. Who knows if anyone had even noticed by now that I was gone?

The tears trickled down my face, and I bowed my head in disappointment. It would be hours before anyone noticed, and who knew when my mother would hear about my disappearance? I was distraught and terrified that she would never find me.

The door suddenly unlocked and my eyes shot up to meet Harry's gaze. He held a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich poorly sliced in half. He frowned upon seeing my tear stained cheeks and blood-shot eyes. He shut the door behind him and set the plate down on the floor.

"Why are you crying?" He asked quietly. He crossed his arms over his toned chest, and I clenched my jaw.

"You kidnapped me. Why else would I be crying?" I spat.

"Isis cries when she's hungry," he shrugged with a subtle smirk. When I didn't laugh at his "joke," he sighed and said, "If you just listen, nothing bad will happen to you."

"Really?" I said, sarcasm lacing my voice as I narrowed my eyes. "I've already been taken away from my friends and family, this whole cult of yours makes drug deals and I'm more than certain you have an arsenal somewhere; just because I listen to you doesn't exactly make me feel safe."

"No one is going to hurt you, princess." He said. "Just fûcking follow directions and you won't have to worry about it."

"Don't call me princess." I said, rolling my eyes. The last thing I wanted was a pet name from this criminal.

"Well, you haven't exactly told me your name, babe, I need to call you something."

"Well, babe is not exactly a step in the right direction." I scoffed.

"Well, maybe if you told me your name I wouldn't have to call you anything else. Maybe stubborn is a step in the right direction." He said, and cocked an eyebrow at me. I rolled my lips between my teeth, annoyed with this stupid game he wanted to play.

"I'm not telling you my name," I said. "You don't deserve to know."

He chuckled lightly and stepped closer to me, causing my breath to hitch and I took a step back. "I love that you act tough and intimidating when you're truly as fragile and innocent as a baby deer." He placed his hand on my arm, and I flinched away. "I might just call you Bambi."

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