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I felt like the earth was spinning at this point. I had entirely forgotten where I was and what my life had come to. It was probably two in the morning by now, I had my mouth pressed against a bong, and two empty cans of Mike's Hard sitting next to me. I didn't even know how to describe how I felt, but I knew I liked it.

Benny and Jason had now moved to playing darts across the room, Harry was on his phone while sitting next to Ethan sharing a joint, and Isis was the one who encouraged me to try the bong.

I didn't know how insane I was at this point getting along with these psychopaths, but I figured if I was going to be stuck here, I needed to get something out of it; and maybe if I complied enough, they'd trust me enough to let me go.

I handed Isis back the bong after letting the smoke leave my lips, leaning my head against the couch and glancing up at Harry. He momentarily looked down at me and caught my gaze, giving me a slightly confused look.

"So, Mimi," Isis said, setting the bong down in front of her and exhaling a cloud of smoke. "Harry tells me your a lawyer or some shît?"

I shook my head, glancing over at the empty can of alcohol and wanting another but my stomach lurched idea. "No, I wish. I'm just a receptionist."

"Sounds lame." She said, and took the joint from Ethan before he could use it.

"It is," I said. "I have to do all the paperwork and my boss gets to work with clients. All I do with them is say hi and make them coffee."

"That sounds stupid." She mumbled. I felt slightly hurt, because I did sort of like the job because I got to be in the know of a couple cases but not a ton. I just needed to get my foot in the door to start my journey to becoming a lawyer. But I did hate not being able to work directly with Liam on cases and only doing basic paperwork.

"I went to college." She stated, and Ethan scoffed.

"You went for like, a year, dumbáss." He said.

"Yeah, and then I met Harry," she smiled. "And now I sell drugs and rob places for a living. Better than college."

I raised my eyebrows, wondering why the hell she would ever want to willingly join this lifestyle and not have any remorse for it. And I actually liked college, I got so many good experiences out of it, none of which included drugs or heavy drinking.

I wondered how they all got roped into working together; by the sound of it, Isis and Harry worked together first and eventually hooked up with Ethan, Jason, and Benny. I glanced up at the two on the couch, seeing Harry with a joint between his fingers. He was incredibly good-looking, it honestly baffled me that someone like him didn't enter the modeling or entertainment business instead of becoming a criminal.

Isis handed back the bong but I shook my head to decline. I definitely didn't need another hit. What I needed was water, sleep, and Ibuprofen. I noticed Isis lean her head against Harry's leg, but it didn't phase him. I wasn't quite sure where their relationship stood, since they argued a lot, but here she was cuddling his leg and he didn't mind.

"I think I'm going to go to bed." I said quietly, and I carefully stood up from my seat on the floor. Harry didn't even hesitate before standing up and not even giving Isis a change to move before he pretty much pushed her off him. "What?" I asked as he stood next to me, and he furrowed his eyebrows together slightly.

"I'm going to walk you to your room." He stated simply, and I glanced down at Isis who looked more than annoyed at Harry.

I quietly replied, "Okay," and turned to walk down the hall toward my bedroom. I walked through the door and turned around to face Harry, asking, "Are you and Isis a thing?"

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