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One week.

One week I had been stuck with Harry and his thieving posse, watching day after day as they strolled in with a new duffle full of cash, jewelry, weed, or whatever they could get their hands on. They — and by "they," I mean Harry — had been nice to me and bought me extra clothes to change into every day, or Isis would just let me have something of hers she didn't wear anymore.

No one had really warmed up to me. Jason hated me for whatever reason, Isis hated me when Harry gave me attention, Benny had it out for me since I kicked him in the groin, Ethan can't think for himself, and Harry is just Harry.

One morning, I stepped out to brush my teeth, Harry of course guarding the door while I stood in front of the sink. I could hear chatter from the living room and wondered if they all had a plan for the day — which, of course they did; a day without robbing a building is a day wasted for them.

I turned away from the sink and looked at Harry, who moved out of the way to let me walk by. I glanced down the hall and could see just a glimpse of Isis and Jason loading handguns and I glanced up at Harry who immediately looked confused upon seeing them getting ready to presumably do a job. He shoved me into the room and shut the door, and I heard him say, "Going somewhere?"

"We're going to check out a place in Brooklyn," Jason said. "Supposed to be loaded with expensive shït."

"And when did you find this out?" He asked. He sounded like a strict dad talking to his kids wanting to go to a party on the weekend. "No one said anything about a job in Brooklyn."

"It's not a big deal, Harry," Isis stated as she shoved her gun in the back waistband of her jeans. "Don't get your panties in a twist."

"It is a big deal if you get in trouble and no one knows where you are." He said. "It's like you want us to get busted."

Harry hadn't remembered to lock the door when he shoved me back into the room, so I gently placed my hand on the doorknob and slowly opened the door to peer out into the hall to see what they were doing. Big mistake on my part, because Isis' gaze landed immediately on me.

"Why don't we take Miss Goody-Two-Shoes with us?" She smiled. My eyes widened and Harry whipped around to see me in the doorway; his expression hardened and he turned back to face Isis.

"That's not happening." He said. "She's not going anywhere with you two."

"Don't be such a fun-hater, Harry," she said, and waltzed over to me while pulling her gun back out. "We can teach Miss Mimi how to handle a gun and then she can help us on jobs."

She pulled me out of the room without warning, and shoved her gun into my hand. I felt my stomach flip, this being the first time I'd ever held a weapon in my entire life. Harry stormed over before I could truly process anything, and pulled the gun from my grip just as fast as Isis gave it to me.

"Are you insane?" He said, and I could see the vein protruding slightly from his neck. "You want to give the most inexperienced person a gun and hope for the best?"

"Isis, come on," Jason said. "Goody-Two-Shoes isn't coming and I'm not going to stand here and argue about it. We have to go."

"Fine." She said, and took my wrist, dragging me behind her. "She's going. But, Harry has to go too."

"What?" Both Jason and Harry said in unison.

"If she's going to be stuck here with us, she's going to learn this shit." She said. "I'm tired of her sitting alone, open-mouthed in that stupid room that we don't even use. Unless you're going to suck it up and put a bullet in her head, we should make use of her."

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