Teacher trouble

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Professor Snape sat in his dark dungeons, marking the 6th years holiday homework. He sneered as he wrote D for dreadful on many of the Gryffindors papers. He was baffled by how incompetent some of the students could be. Sixteen years old and yet still they do not know where to find a bezoar. It was beggars belief. 

This year was already living up to the expectations of being the worst year yet. This was the year he had been dreading since he started teaching. It was the year the Potter brat came to hogwarts. 

The boy is no doubt the most arrogant first year there ever was, even surpassing his fathers arrogance,  probably expecting to be hethro worshiped for being the 'boy who lived'. Severus scoffed to himself; the brat most certainly won't be getting any special treatment in his class.


The next few days weren't the best for Harry. His fresh start wasnt going to plan. Maybe he was destined to be the one in trouble no matter where he was. 

The problem was Harry had never been to school. Not that he could remember anyway. He had gone for a couple weeks when he turned 4 but the Dursleys got too many questions as to why he was so small and covered in bruises so they stopped him from going. Freaks didn't need to go to school anyway. They didn't deserve to. It never bothered him too much, he never really thought anything of it, it was just the norm for him. However it was now proving to be a problem as Harry couldn't read or write. I mean he could a little bit from what he'd taught himself but the textbooks he was supposed to read in class were just beyond him and unless he was copying, he really struggled to write and his spelling had no hope. 

No body else seemed to have a problem so harry couldn't admit this to anyone. No, he was just going to have to learn how to before anyone noticed. The worst part was however that all the teachers seemed to take his lack of work for a lack of effort. He lost points for Gryffindor in every lesson and he knew his classmates were annoyed with him. The only ones who were sympathetic were Ron and Neville but that was just because they thought he was stupid and couldn't do the work. He guessed most of the Professors thought this too. 

The truth was Harry wasn't struggling with any of the work, he understood everything he just couldn't write it down. Apart from reading and writing everything was easy and he found himself get very bored very quickly. 

The only good thing is that he managed to get his hands on a self writing pen which got his teachers off his back. He knew he still needed to learn though so, In an attempt to teach himself, he stayed up most nights practicing writing by copying words from his textbook. He felt like he was improving but now he was always tired and occasionally he fell asleep in lessons. Unfortunately for harry one of these lessons was potions. 


Harry woke with a start, jumping out of his skin and falling off his seat. Laughter erupted around the dungeon (coming from the Slytherins) as Harry scrambled back onto the chair. Professor Snapes eyes flashed dangerously as he glided across the room towards Harry. Inside, harry was petrified but he stood his ground, forcing his eyes to meet Snapes. 

"My apologies, it seems I have bored the famous 'boy who lived'" Snape sneered, glaring into Harry's defiant green eyes. This recieved even more laughter from the class. Ron was shifting in his seat next to Harry. "Tell me Mr Potter is this lesson beneath you?"

"No" Harry replied stiffly, glaring back at his professor.

"Then you must already know the steps of how to brew the perfect sleeping draught?" 

Harry didn't say anything. He did actually already know this after having a discussion with Percy Weasley just last night. 

"Come Potter why don't you finish writing the instructions on the board for me? It might help you stay awake."

Once again Harry didn't speak nor did he move. Panic was setting in, he couldn't possibly stand in front of everyone and admit he couldn't write. 

Snape raised his eyebrows "doesn't the boy who lived talk?"

"You seem to be doing enough talking for the both of us" Harry replied, anger flaming inside of him. He didn't care that Snapes eyes were flashing and his long face was turning red in anger. 

"Detention Mr Potter" Snape spat. "Every evening this week at 5 o'clock sharp". That would show the petulant  brat he thought savagely as he looked down his nose at Harry's outraged face. 

Harry hadn't meant to lose his temper and although Ron said it was 'wicked' He couldn't help feeling he'd made a grave mistake. What if Snape made him write lines in detention? He bit is lip trying to push fear out of his mind.

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