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That night Harry woke up irritably. He tossed and turned for what felt like hours before giving up on sleeping. He felt restless. He was bored, and he had too much energy. How did anyone expect him to sleep after lying in bed all day? Madam Pomfrey allowed him out of bed to go to the toilet but otherwise wouldn't let him up, despite Harry's continuous complaints. Sitting there doing nothing was torture for Harry, he hated sitting still at the best of times. Snape had left him some simple books so harry could practice reading but this only occupied him for so long. He soon grew bored and fidgety. He had pulled on the corner of his quilt so much that he'd formed a hole in it, without even realising he was doing it. Harry thought it was a miracle that he had managed to stay in bed at all. He had never felt this good in his life, he no longer felt pain with every movement so all he wanted to do was run, and he had so much energy as well. Harry forced himself to stay in bed though, he didn't want to make anyone mad at him. For now, Snape and Madam Pomfrey were feeling sorry for him. They both seemed to believe none of this was Harry's fault and Harry was hoping to keep it that way. 

Whilst sitting in the hospital wing, lost in his own thoughts, Harry came up with a plan. He had revealed far to much about his life so far and he couldn't risk anyone finding out anything else. Unlce Vernon had already threatened to kill him if he told anyone and Harry wasn't prepared to risk it. Harry also couldn't risk anyone finding out about what he had done. If they had known what he was,  he wouldn't have been accepted at Hogwarts in the first place so no doubt if they found out, he would be sent straight back to the Dursleys, and that was something he couldn't handle. Hence he needed a plan. Firstly, Harry promised himself that he would behave, he couldn't bring any extra attention to himself. Also, he would need to do some damage control regarding Snape. He would go along with whatever Snape wanted but he would not give away anymore information. All he had to do was keep his head down long enough and this would all blow over. He needed to learn how to read and write as quick as possible and prove that he was fine having showers so Snape would believe there was no longer an issue. 

Unfortunately for Harry, the first part of his plan was proving to be very difficult. He knew he needed to behave and stay in bed but couldn't stay sat down any longer without going mad. Surely there was no harm in getting up and having a look out the window? 

Slowly, Harry made his way to the high window and climbed up the wall until he was high enough to see out. It was pitch black, the only light coming from the sky that was specked with stars. There was no clock in the Hospital wing so Harry didn't have a clue what time it was, but judging from the sky and the fact that Madam Pomfrey was no where to be seen, he new it was after midnight. Sighing, Harry looked around the room for something to do. There was nothing. Apart from the beds,  the room was pretty much empty. The potions cabinet had been locked shut and the office was closed. 

Then an idea struck him. He hadn't been to see Rolly in days. Surely no one would mind if he went for a walk? Chances were he probably wouldn't get caught.

Harry made his was towards the door and pulled it open, quietly tip toeing towards the kitchens. The walk was quite a long one, but harry didn't mind in the slightest. It was such a relief to be able to stretch his legs. Growing bolder, he began to walk faster and faster eventually breaking out in a run, not caring for the noise he was making. God it felt good to run, to feel his heart beating, the air ruffling his hair. And the best part; no where hurt. Harry couldn't remember the last time he felt the enjoyment of running, he was usually blinded by the pain or the fear of being caught by whoever was chasing him.

In no time at all, Harry reached the kitchens in higher spirits than ever before. 

"ROLLY" he shouted, lunging for the little Elf and pulling him into a tight embrace. The elf looked rather panicked at the contact but since it was his Harry...

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