The blood bonds

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"This cant possibly be your fault Harry, just tell me what's been happening" 

Harry was now sobbing hysterically. His small tear stained face and puffy eyes making him look pitiful. The child was clearly scared out of his witts. Snape didn't know what to do, he had never had to deal with a child in this state before. And this was Potter. This was James Potters son. But Harry was trembling in fear, covered in injuries. This wasn't about the past anymore. It wasn't even about Lilly. It was about Harry, a small boy in desperate need of reassurance and care. 

Awkwardly, Snape pulled Harry towards him and offered a comforting hug. Harry immediately tensed but soon relaxed into the Professors arms when he realised he wasn't hurting him. He cried into Snape, all dignity lost. This was the first hug he had ever recieved. 

"Harry we're going to the hospital wing". Harry didn't fight it. He had no more fight left in him, no more energy. He barely managed to nod. Snape handed him his shirt so harry could cover up. Together they slowly walked through the castle in silence. Thankfully it was late so no students were around to see them. 

When they reached the door to the hospital wing however, Harry found he couldn't do it. Years of hiding, years of being told his uncle would kill him if anyone knew, all played on a continuous loop in his mind. 

"It's okay Harry" snape whispered and he put a gentle hand on Harry's arm, guiding him in. 

Madam Pomfrey turned away from the counter of potions as they entered. "Good evening is everything okay?" 

"Harry here as some injuries he needs taking care of" snape replied nudging Harry forwards. Harry was ushered into a bed and instructed to remove his shirt. Madam Pomfreys eyes widened as she surveyed his upper body. She didn't ask what had happened. "Can you remove your pants aswell please Harry?"

Harry was horrified. His face blushed bright red. The sides of Snapes mouth twitched slightly "Harry she needs to see all your injuries if she is going to heal you". But Harry shook his head. 

"I'm fine under my pants, it's just my top bit that's sore." Madam Pomfrey sighed as Snape rolled his eyes. 

"Okay then,  here's a potion for you Harry" she said handing him a vile. "It's a sleeping draught So you won't feel any pain while I'm healing you" 

Harry hesitated but then downed it all in one. Once he was unconscious the two adults shared concerned looks. Madam Pomfrey removed the boys pants to reveal more bruising and burns. Marks covered the skin of his bottom and legs, clearly caused by a whip or belt. 

Snape felt sick looking at the damage. How had Harry managed to hide this? It must have caused  so much pain, how had Snape not realised sooner? He left Madam Pomfrey to heal the boy and headed straight to the headmasters office. He didn't even bother to knock.

Severus barged into the circular office, anger overcoming him. The headmaster looked up in surprise. 

"Ah Severus, to what do I owe this pleasure." 

"Potter!" Snape snapped. Breathing hard. 

Albus raised his eyebrows. "What has the boy done now?" 

"It's not what he has done, it is what has been done to him" Snape said skeptically. When Albus continued to look confused, he spoke again. "The boy is covered in scars and wounds! He so called family you left him with have obviously absused him" 

Dumbledore paled, his mouth open slightly. "Surely his Aunt and Uncle wouldn't have-" 

"Well they have" Snape interrupted. "The boy has been in hysterics dumbledore! He's been hiding it since he arrived! He can't read or write, he's not sleeping for fear of nightmares!" Tears were welling up in his eye and he turned away, voice cracking "you said he would be safe" 

Dumbledore stared at the floor like a naughty child who'd been caught. "I had no idea of this" he said as his voice shook. This did nothing to calm Snape's temper.

"You didnt think it would be wise to check up on him at any point within the last ten years?!" 

Dumbledore sighed. "He had to be there Severus. The blood bond may have been the only thing that's kept harry alive for all these years" 

"YOU STILL COULD HAVE PROTECTED HIM!" Severus roared as rage consumed him. Then a thought struck him "you can't possibly be thinking of sending him back there at the end of the year?" 

Dumbledore bowed his head. "While he still calls the place where his mothers blood res-"

"I DONT CARE ABOUT THE BLOODY BLOOD BONDS!" Snape yelled. "He's not safe there, god knows what the dursleys have been doing to him." 

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