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Snape went back to the Hospital wing shortly after, to check on Harry. He was outraged by the headmaster. How could he even consider sending Harry back there after this? 

He cleared his thoughts as he watched the troubled boy sleep. Right now he had to get Harry better, he could deal with living arrangements when the time came. There's no way he would let Harry go back. 

Harry woke up a few hours later. He squinted at the light and felt around for his glasses. 

"Harry how do you feel?" Came Madam Pomfrey's voice who came bustling over as she noticed Harry wake up. 

"Fine" Harry replied without thinking, it was like his programmed response. But then as he moved, he realised the pain was gone, he could move his shoulder and his backside wasn't stinging and no part of his body was throbbing, the continuous ache had gone too. "Actually, I really am fine"

Madam Pomfrey's lips twitched. "I've fixed you up, your still gonna have some scarring but it will fade in time."

"Thank you" Harry said and he meant it. He was also grateful that Madam Pomfrey wasn't asking him questions about it. "I'm sorry you had to deal with me" he mumbled, looking down.

"I hardly think an apology is necessary" came a snide voice. Harry looked up, he hadn't noticed his potions master stood a couple of beds down from him. "Poppy could you give us a moment, I have a lot to discuss with Harry" 

Madam Pomfrey gave a curt nod and walked back into her office. Harry looked down again, turning  red. He couldn't believe he had cried like that in front of Snape. 

"So your Aunt and Unlce did this to you" snape stated abruptly. Harry gave a slow nod.

"Mostly my Uncle" he said in a strained voice, he didn't want to have to talk about this. Not to snape, not to anyone. 

Snape sighed as he walked over to Harry and sat on a chair next to his bed. "You need to talk about it Harry. You don't have to hide from it anymore, it's nothing to be ashamed of" 

Harry didn't speak but he raised his big green eyes to meet Snapes small black ones. "I don't expect you to just sit and tell me everything" Snape continued "but in time you need to open up about it to someone." He paused then asked "do any of your friends know?" 

Harry shook his head. "I think the house elves have guessed but I haven't told anyone else... and I don't want to" Harry's voice suddenly became stronger at his last words "they'll all act weird around me, like they feel sorry for me or they'll just think I'm a freak" 

"Harry no one will think that" Snape said firmly. "I will respect the fact that you don't want everyone to know, who you tell is entirely up to you, but trust me you don't want to shut yourself away." Harry looked down again, fiddling with his bed sheet. Snape watched him for a moment. 

"Another matter I wish to discuss is your reading and writing" 

Harry bit his lip. 

"I'm going to ask you to come to my office each day and I will help you practice and help you with your homework" snape said calmly 

Harry glowed red "I don't need-"

"Yes you do" Snape concluded firmly and Harry didn't dare argue. They sat in silence for a while. Harry knew snape was trying to be helpful but he hated someone knowing so much about him. It was only a matter of time before Snape turned on him too and now he had lots of ammunition. Why was snape even here? Why did he care? 

Harry suddenly became aware that had no top on and he blushed furiously. "Erm- can I get up and put some clothes on?" He asked

Snape frowned "we need to work on your manners Potter." 

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