Chapter 19

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Lexi PoV-

Once we unpacked my things into my new room all four of us collapsed onto the sofa, reflecting on the shitty day we have ploughed through and the shittier days ahead of us, "I'm hungry!" I whine at them all, trying to break the silence in an attempt to avoid one of them bringing up my brother's death. I'm aware that it is inevitable that I will have to address it at some point, I just don't think now is the perfect time, not that there ever will be a perfect time to acknowledge the death of your twin brother. 

"You're the cook around here, Lexi," Caiden says, stifling a laugh as he rubs his stomach, indicating that he is hungry, "I've had a hard enough day," I state to them, deadpanning the boys, "How about I drive us to McDonald's?" Cole suggests and we jump at the opportunity. Although, at the suggestion, I don't feel too hungry but the distraction is more than welcome.  Immediately, the twins and I bounce out of place and rush to the front door, "The last one to the door has to pay!" I shout as soon as I reach the door, so I don't have to pay. I'm a pretty fast runner, in my opinion. 

Of course Cole is last, strolling coolly towards us, "I guess I'm paying, darn it," He says with fake disappointment, swinging his right arm over the front of him with his fist clenched and stomping with his left foot, like in Irish dance. In that moment I question what I have ever seen in him, although I know he's just trying to placate us. 

"You're a terrible actor, Cole," Callum says, voicing my thoughts, "Lexi, since when were you so fast at running?" Caiden asks, raising his eyebrows in shock and I nudge him for being so offensively impressed with my athletic abilities, "I've always been really fast," I shrug, opening the door and stepping out of the house. 

"I'm signing you up for the softball team," Cole says, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and steering us towards his car. "No way! Softball is way too hard and, besides, I won't get along with any of the girls on the team. I mean look at Jess and Gina, they're on the team and they're amazing!" I say, "They're in your gym class, Lexi. They need you on the team," He says demandingly as he opens the passenger door and helps me in, the twins in the back.

"Fine but, if I don't get in, you're forever responsible for my lack of self-confidence," I say in hope that he'll get the memo, "Okay, I can live with that," He says and shrugs, the twins snickering in the back whilst I glare at him, "For fucks sake, babe, you'll get in! You're amazing, I've seen you play in gym," He says, reaching over to hold my hand on the seat. I do a double take and turn to him, "When have you ever seen me play?"

"I didn't know you were doing an art piece with James for the main hall?" He says, practically bouncing off his seat trying to change the subject. I let it go for now, "I don't do it with James, we do it alongside each other but we're yet to come up with something that looks okay together," I say, huffing at the end.

"James mentioned doing a movie and book wall, he said something about a token to good pop culture or something," Cole says, "That's actually a cool idea! I'm texting him now," I say, typing away on my phone, "James is coming over at five tonight so we can work on it," I say to the guys, and they all huff, "What?" I ask.

"Who's gonna cook dinner?" Caiden whines at me, "One of you lot!" I exclaim, spinning in my seat with my eyes wide in disbelief, "But Cole will poison us!" They say in sync and Cole turns around at the red traffic lights and smacks them upside their heads. "Well, sort it out between you all," I say, "Fine," They snap in sync, just as we pull up in McDonald's. We all jump out of the car and into the restaurant, heading to the furthest table from people.

"Right what does everyone want?" Cole asks, "Could I have a McChicken sandwich meal please with a chocolate milkshake, medium?" I ask and he nods.

"Could I have a double cheeseburger and some mozzarella dippers, oh and add a vanilla milkshake with that?" says Callum and we all look to Caiden, expectingly, " know what I like Cole," Caiden says nervously. Cole nods and walks away. I couldn't help but wonder why Caiden froze up like that, especially being the more sociable of the twins but I decide not to question it. After all, I haven't known them for long and it isn't my business. 

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