Epilogue: 3

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Four Years Later:

I lay in bed with Cole, both of us fully aware that it is Christmas Day, just waiting for the annual time of the year when Caiden and Callum come in with their stockings. We are not allowed to get out of bed until those nut jobs come in and jump all over us, then they sit at the foot of mine and Cole's bed and open their stockings. Cole and I stopped doing stockings a few years back because we never eat the chocolates and they go bad, it's simply a waste. Later in the day, Ryder will join us for Christmas dinner, stay over and spend Boxing Day with us, although it took much arguing with his mother to allow it. 

Last year, Cole and I got married and it is crazy to think I have been married to this lovable man for a year now and, honestly, it has been the best year ever! I know people say that the first year of a new marriage is difficult and, of course, we hit bumps in the road but, compared to what we've faced together before, this was easily resolved and our lives have evolved immensely for it. 

We both looked ravishing for our wedding, if I might say so myself, and the bridesmaids (Tess and Ryleigh) were in baby pink dresses and the grooms men (Max, James, A, Ethan and Charlie) were in navy tuxes. Callum walked me down the aisle as I didn't have my father to and Caiden got to be best man. We gave them both the option and Callum decided he wanted to walk me down the aisle and Caiden immediately took the role of best man. They both wore the same navy tuxes as the grooms men as well.  

Overall, our wedding was perfect and the most beautiful ceremony that ever ceases to exist! After the wedding, Cole and I moved into his bedroom and redecorated it to suit both of us, especially since it is the biggest room in the house. It was a big job but we both prefer living in the same room to the arrangement before, although I do miss my old room a lot. 

Suddenly, I shoot out of my position on the bed, along with Cole, as both of the twins leap onto the bed so forcefully that we fly into the air, "Calm it!" I tell them, gasping for air and holding onto Cole and they start their contagious laughing. We both sit up with our backs leaning on the head board of the bed and the twins sit opposite, cross legged, at the foot of the bed, waiting eagerly to dig into their stockings, "What're you waiting for?" Cole exclaims and they instantly pull out all the little chocolates and tiny presents that we bought for them.

Cole and my hands are linked throughout the whole unpacking of the stockings, smiling at our family before us and, soon enough, both of them are finished, thanking us for everything in their stockings, "It's no problem," I mutter out just as I feel sick rise to my throat, burning my tonsils and I try desperately to hide it but, as soon as I heave, I cannot hold it any longer, "Babe, what's u-" I cut Cole short and bolt into the en-suite and start throwing up in the toilet, just like yesterday morning.

They all race in after me and Cole grabs my hair, Callum rubs my back and Caiden wets a towel and holds it to my forehead, "It's not blood is it, shorty?" Cole asks me and I shake my head, "Fortunately, no," I am sick once more and then I sit up, feeling better than ever.

"Are you alright? This happened yesterday, too," Callum asks me suspiciously. I nod, "Yeah, I feel amazing actually, can you do me some food someone?"

"No, after you've been sick you shouldn't eat for at least twenty four hours," Caiden tells me and I shake my head stubbornly, especially considering it's Christmas freaking day, "It isn't a sickness bug, I don't have a fever," I feel my forehead and it is a normal temperature, "See," They touch my forehead lightly and their eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"It's fine, I'm probably just tired or something," I say to them, nonchalantly shrugging the situation off, knowing how temperamental my body can be and they nod, "Well, then, let's go downstairs!" Cole exclaims, "You guys go down, I'm just going to change, no opening presents without me!" I demand and they nod, heading downstairs. I change into my grey pyjamas and put the sick covered ones in the laundry basket, before heading downstairs.

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