Chapter 44

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Today is the day. It has been a week since I came out of my room and I can safely say that Robert has been growing well. You see, yesterday we had to take him to the vets for his first vaccination. Needless to say, he is not a good traveller. I have pig puke all over my leather seats in my car and it is all stuck in the belts and the belt buckles, too. Cole has literally just come back from having my car valeted and hopefully the smell and stains of barf are all out. 

Today is the day that I have to decide what scholarship I am taking and at which college.

Cole has decided to go to Camden University. Camden University is only a fifteen minute drive from our house so Cole and I can live at home for the rest of our education and look after the house and my pig. This university will allow me to study sport, specialising in rounders, and major in music, which is technically what Cole and I had originally planned.

Then I have the option to go Bolton University which would allow me to major in sport but I can't study music like I wanted to. It's a shame but it is very prestigious to get into and would look very good on future applications, opening up more opportunities for me. The downside is that I would have to live at the university because it is a three hour drive from our home. I would have to leave the house, the twins, Cole and Robert behind which is definitely not an option I would comfortably accept. However, Bolton University does give me more opportunities in life.

You see, the scholarships I earned allow me to go to to a number of universities but Cole and I went through all of my options and ruled out most of them besides these two. We managed to rule out Cole's options until we were left with only Camden University, which is seemingly the perfect option for him. He sent out his acceptance last week. Today is my deadline and I have a big decision ahead of me.

I hear two little knocks on my door so I get up off my bed, away from the soothing action of petting Robert, and head to the door and open it. Cole is leaning against the door frame fully dressed and ready to go out, whereas I stand here in my pyjamas, "Hey," He breathes out, obviously strained as he stares at what minimal clothes I am wearing.

"You okay? You're not looking much like a narcissist all flustered like that. Nice to know I still have that affect on you," I tease him with a wink and he scowls at me, "So, are you gonna let me in, shorty? Or are you going spend all day staring at this temple?" He gestures to his body in attempt to fire back and insult me but it doesn't; he's my boyfriend, I can stare all I want. Then I do the most unattractive thing in history. I snort, "Touché," I reason with him and we both laugh.

I step to the side, allowing him to enter my room. Skipping to my bed, I plonk myself down carelessly as he shuts my door behind him and strolls towards me, sitting down next to me, "So, what do you want exactly?" I ask him, not meaning to sound rude.

"Nice to know I'm wanted," He jokes and I smile at him, "I wanted to help you out with your college choices," He tells me sincerely and I grin at him.

"Aww, you're too cute!" I squeal and grab his cheeks, squeezing them like a Granny with her grandchild, "Ugh, stop!" He slaps my hands away and we start laughing, "Lexi, seriously, we need to get this done."

"Okay, fine. I have two options that both have strong arguments. Camden will allow me to pursue my love for rounders and major in music with you and I can live at home. Or Bolton will allow me to major in sports but I can't do music and can't live at home with you but it's also very prestigious to get into and will look good on future applications," I tell him and he nods.

"Well, what do you want to study more?" He asks me. I remain silent for a while as I consider my options, making a pro-con list in my mind, "Probably music, though I don't want to deaf rounders out completely."

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