Epilogue: 2

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"I can't believe today is the day!" I squeal and jump on top of a lazy Cole, sleeping in his king-sized bed. Three years and two months ago, Cole told me that he is taking me to Disney World. I am now twenty-two years old, Cole is twenty-three and we have one year left at college for our bachelor's degree.

Right now, Cole and I are both able to get our degrees as long as we keep our grades high for another year. A and Ethan are both in the same position and we all spend every Wednesday, our day off, together.

James is now dating Ryleigh and they have an apartment together. My ship has sailed. Both of them are happy and Ryleigh has really helped James get over his social anxiety so now he is super close with A and Ethan, just as close as he is with us.

We don't hear off Jess very much anymore, she has turned into what Tess was before her sudden persona shift, ever since she became friends with Jen who I fortunately never met. She's been shunned from our inner circle, which now consists of Cole, James, Max, Ryleigh, A, Ethan and me; which is quite a nice group. 

Tess and Charlie both took a gap year and are now jumping between different cultures around the world; we facetime them all of the time and every month they send us all a gift each from whatever country they are in. They will more than likely build their lives up elsewhere, probably Australia since they loved it there!

A and Max are now an item, I knew it would happen but I wasn't sure when. They're madly in love and my heart cannot handle it! They also have an apartment together in the same building as James and Ryleigh, which is very practical and fun for us all because we all live within walking distance of each other.

Ethan is still single but utterly enchanted by his chocolate Labrador, Pippa, and they live in the same block of apartments as the others. I don't expect him to settle down too soon but one day he'll be as devoted to a lovely lady as he is to Pippa.

We lost Gina last year to her own hand in the mental health unit. For months, we had been in contact with her, visiting her every other week and keeping up to date with her progress. She was seemingly doing fine, her anger management classes going strong and her mood stabilisers balancing out her obsessive behaviour. 

We were devastated when we found out as we had so much hope for her. We'd planned for her to come and stay with us for a while, welcoming her with open arms until she got herself back onto her feet. However, we ensured her memorial rests with her parents so they can lie in peace together. The nurses said she had kept so many secrets as to what she had seen from her father's dirty business when she was young. She had trauma locked away in millions of cases, hidden around her mind. It was eating away at her and they didn't realise in time. 

"Ugh, five more minutes," Cole groans as I jump up and down on him to wake him up, "No! Get up now or else," I threat and he smirks, eyes still closed, "You wouldn't dare," He mumbles through his sleep, so I jump up and run to his en-suite, "Exactly what I thought, shor-"

He is cut short when I throw a bucket of water all over him, the bucket he used to clean up Robert's pee off his carpet last night, to be exact. You see, we both slept with Cole last night because I was too excited to sleep by myself and Robert sleeps wherever I sleep but we were woken up by the sound of Robert peeing himself on Cole's carpet as he fell off the foot of the bed.

I found it funny, Cole did not at all and poor Robert found himself sleeping outside of Cole's door last night, "Fucking hell, Lexi! Why do I smell like piss?" Realisation dawns on him when he shoots into a seated position, "You didn't!" He shouts at me and I start to laugh hysterically, "Oh, I did."

"That's it!" He roars and flips me over his shoulder, me squealing at him, "You're a fucking nuisance, shorty!" He replies and throws me into his shower, grabs the shower head, turns the water to below freezing and sprays me with it. I scream and shout for him to stop as I laugh, the burn hitting my skin from the ice cold water. 

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