C.23- He's Back

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Chapter 23- He's Back

I guess you could say my life was a tad bit cliche. I had everything I wanted at the beginning,  The Bad Boy boyfriend, the jock best friend and a rich family, and just as we thought my life couldn't get any better. My boyfriend played me, and my best friend died.

Cliche enough? Right?

And along the way I met a few people that had helped me with the grief of losing the two guys I truly loved other than my asshole ex boyfriend, my dad, and of course my brothers.

Pat is one of those friends. Although I met her way before Ash died she's been a really great help to me.

And now we've been lying on my bed for the past few minutes, in silence.


"Vi? You seem a bit quiet, you okay?" Asked Pat she was hanging out at my house almost every single day, not that I don't love her company but its just that I really really miss Ash. Especially in school since we both have the same classes. I would sometimes glance at the table beside me hoping that he would magically appear. I know its weird, but hey cut me some slack here, its been a tough few weeks for me.

"I'm fine Pat, seriously would you please tell Joana to hurry up? I really want to do something that doesn't involve me sitting in this house all day!" I groaned jokingly.

"Sheesh hold your horses Vi she must be busy with her boyfriend. She's been talking about Christopher non-stop for the past week! I really really wanted to put a sock in her mouth just to shut her up!" Pat replied smiling evilly. The kind of smile that says: I have a plan and you're in it whether you like it or not, kind of look.

I shook my head over and over. "No, whatever you're planning to do, I'am so not in it." I said sticking my tongue out at her.

"Come on Vi! It'll just be a really innocent prank! Besides, you haven't been pranking at all since you know.." She trailed of smiling sadly.

I smiled at her. "Seriously Pat although its really really tempting to do.. It kinda depends on what you're planning." I smirked.

Patricia smiled evilly "Okay here's the plan.."

~~~ 30 minutes later ~~~

I never thought Pat would be a freaking genius when it comes to pranks, this will be the first prank I would ever do since Ash died and even though he won't be here to see this. I'm sure that wherever he is, he would be proud of what Pat and me have in stored for Joana.

"This is going to be awesome!" Patricia exclaimed.

"Joana is going to love our little gift."

"I'm sure she will." Said a voice from behind us. The voice didn't come from neither me nor Pat and it sounds so familiar.

We looked at each other and slowly turned around to see Bryant. Omigod what is he doing here? He hasn't changed much except, he seemed a bit more fit and.. Hot.

"Why thank you for calling me hot Vi. That compliment will never be forgotten." says Bryant in a teasing voice.

My cheeks turned red, "Pffft shut up Bry! Everyone knows I am way hotter than you!" I replied sticking my tongue out at him, sheesh what's with me and sticking my tongue out?! I ain't no dog!

"Ahem, you guys lets save the welcoming party later! Joana texted me and she'll be here in a few." Pat said excitedly. Interrupting my staring competition with Bryant.

I can't really point out what has changed in Bryant but there's something oddly different about him. A very good different I might add.

I decided to just shake of the feeling and focus on our prank.

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