Part 10

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Characters: reader, Bucky (Jimmy), Wanda, Clint, George Barnes.

Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you're distracted by a secret admirer...But who is he? (Inspired by "You've Got Mail", Enemies to Lovers)

Warnings: none! Mild swearing?

Word Count: 3.3k

A/N: Alright, my darlings!! I hope you've recovered from the last chapter. ;) So what do you think? Does Jimmy have what it takes to win her back? Will she let him? I guess we'll find out! :D This part is pretty packed, I hope you're ready! Thank you all for your comments and screaming and tears and I'm sorry about your poor hearts! I hope I can begin to mend it. :) As always, any feedback is appreciated!! I adore you all. <3


Cringing as your alarm sounded the next morning, you shut it off and laid still a few minutes while staring at the ceiling. It felt exactly the opposite from yesterday morning's energy and excitement. What a difference 24 hours could make. Feeling the heaviness in your heart and the tired ache of your bones, you finally rolled out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. The mirror reflected your swollen, red eyes, so you splashed cold water on your face and went about your day.

It all seemed a bit ridiculous to be so distraught, since you hadn't known B for very long. In fact, you didn't know him at all and now you doubted you ever would. Your mind flickered to the text message you received last night, wondering why he was unable to show up or give you any sort of notice until then. He was still there, meaning you could still text but for some reason, meeting in person wasn't going to happen. Your heart clenched at the thought of opening yourself up again.

Could you forgive him? Was it even worth it to continue corresponding? You felt the sadness and embarrassment of sitting in the cafe alone while watching the clock tick. Shaking it off, you got ready for your day and headed down the stairs to work. No matter what state your heart was in, there was always work to be done.

Later as you finished boxing your pastries for delivery, you thought about your last scheduled stop at the Nest. Your stomach clenched at the memories of what took place there yesterday. The thought of seeing Jimmy again made your shoulders tense, wondering how he would react after your outburst. You didn't regret what you had said because every word was true, but doing it in a public place, especially at Clint's place of business, gathered some warmth in your cheeks. You'd have to apologize when you saw him. Clint, not Jimmy. The cocky brunet didn't deserve another moment of your time.

Waving goodbye to Wanda, you hopped in your car and headed out to deliver. As you later approached the Nest, you spotted the Barnes Bakery van in the closest parking spot once again. Surprise, surprise. Pushing through the door with boxes in hand, you braced yourself to see Jimmy at the counter, but instead, there was an older man laughing and joking with Clint. You stopped short to see the man was on the taller side, his dark hair thinning on top. He had a kind, weathered face, youthful eyes, and was wearing a Barnes Bakery t-shirt.

Reaching the counter you set down your boxes and Clint's attention turned to you.

"Y/N, good morning! Have you met George Barnes, the owner of Barnes Bakery?" Clint indicated to the man beside you.

It all clicked then, seeing the family resemblance between Jimmy and his father. "No, I haven't. Good morning, Mr. Barnes. I'm Y/N from City Sweets Bakery. Thank you so much, again, for the flour yesterday," you mentioned, offering your hand.

Flour Girl (Bucky x reader Bakery AU)Where stories live. Discover now