Part 13

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Characters: reader, Bucky, Wanda, Steve.

Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you're distracted by a secret admirer...But who is he? (Inspired by "You've Got Mail", Enemies to Lovers)

Warnings: none! Mild swearing?

Word Count: 2.7k

A/N: Y'all ready for some more fluff???? :D After sweet Bucky nursed her back to health, we'll see how she reacts to him. ;) There's more building of intrigue between them and maybe...interest?? Hmmmm. I hope you're excited! Please let me know your thoughts, any and all feedback is appreciated! <3


"More of the pistachio cookies and another dozen cinnamon rolls, please!" Wanda called out to you through the open doorway to the cafe.

"Got it!" you hollered back, dusting flour from your hands and heading to the fridge for the two requested items.

Cookies in the oven and waiting for the cinnamon rolls to rise before baking, you returned to the scones you were mixing previously. By the time you finished them, the cinnamon rolls were ready to be baked so you popped them in the oven and removed the pistachio cookies, allowing them to cool.

After a full day of rest, you actually felt pretty good the next morning. Not 100%, but able to work without grossing people out with a hacking cough or feeling like you were dying. You had to admit, the unexpected visit from Bucky along with medicine and soup definitely helped. Although unsure about his motives, you were still very grateful to him. Maybe he was right. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

Bucky was there as usual when you arrived at the Nest, offering you a smile when you walked through the door. Before you could question it or stop yourself, you felt your lips curve into a smile as well. Your exchange was short, only a 'hello' and a few words of gratitude from you. He waved it off as if helping to nurse you back to health wasn't a big deal. Bucky just said it was no problem and he was off to do the rest of his deliveries. After a brief conversation with Clint and his own mention that he was glad you were back to good health, you headed back to the bakery.

Cleaning off your flour-covered table from the scones, you heard your phone chime.

B: Good morning. :) Feeling any better today?

Smiling down at the screen, you pulled up the keyboard to reply.

FG: Much. :) Thank you for the dog photo, it was a very helpful part in my healing process. Another busy day today?

The more you texted with the mysterious B, the more you wanted to really know him. Was it still just you who was holding back? Maybe if you were more forthcoming about the specifics of your own life, then he might reciprocate. However, as you imagined the thought, your heart clenched upon remembering the pain of putting yourself out there and having it end with you sitting alone in a cafe, watching the minutes tick by. Shaking off the thought, you heard the oven timer sound and you removed the cinnamon rolls to cool before adding the cream cheese frosting.

Another ding of your phone.

B: A little more calm today. Hoping for an early day and some time to enjoy the city. What about you? Any catching up to do from yesterday?

FG: Some. I have amazing help, though, who was able to hold down the fort. Shouldn't be a terribly long day. How are you going to enjoy the city?

Flour Girl (Bucky x reader Bakery AU)Where stories live. Discover now