Epilogue (End)

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Characters: reader, Bucky.

Summary: Discovering the cute guy you just flirted with is the heir of a rival bakery, you suddenly find yourself running into him all over the city. Can your small boutique bakery compete? And how do you deal with the guy who seems determined to make your life a living hell? Luckily you're distracted by a secret admirer...But who is he? (Inspired by "You've Got Mail", Enemies to Lovers)

Warnings: none! Mild swearing?

Word Count: 3.3k

A/N: Here we are, my darlings. The very last chapter. It's so surreal to be here. It's hard to let go of these characters and this lovely little world I've created, but it's time to move on to something different. Soon. I can't tell you how much all your love and support means to me. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. As always, any and all feedback is appreciated. I love you all. <3


18 Months Later

Shifting the surprisingly heavy, awkward object in your hands, you felt butterflies as the years of stress and hard work all led to this moment. Taking a deep breath, you felt a presence behind you as an arm slipped around your waist. You leaned into him as he helped you support the weight in your hands.

"You did it, babe," Bucky whispered in your ear.

Pride and gratefulness swelling within you and turning your head to meet his eye, you pressed a kiss to his lips. "No, WE did it," you said with a smile.

He returned it with that sweet, toothy grin that lit up his handsome face. "You ready for this?"

Biting your lip, you nodded. "I'm ready."

Bucky lifted his head to face the small crowd that had gathered. "Alright, everyone. Let's make this official!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Two of your new employees stretched the six-inch-wide ribbon across the doorway of the shop and both you and Bucky opened the pair of comically large scissors. With one snip, the now two pieces of ribbon fluttered in the breeze and there was a smattering of applause as you raised a fist in celebration.

Bucky took the scissors as you opened the doors, ushering eager customers inside. Words of congratulations swirled around you as your heart swelled with pride. Bucky was beside you then as you watched customers ooh and ahh over the pastry items and new inside decor.

"I can't believe it," you spoke softly, leaning into his side. "A second location for City Sweets. I wasn't sure I'd ever get this far."

"I did," he replied confidently, placing an arm around you and offering a squeeze. "I never doubted you for a second."

A small burst of laughter left you, considering your past history, but you just let out a contented sigh and place a protective hand on your swelling belly as a band of gold glinted on your left ring finger. Someone called your name then, trying to gain your attention, but the bakery was suddenly out of focus and you were forced into reality. "Y/N...."

A few more moments and the voice pierced your senses.

"Y/N....gotta wake up, doll," your boyfriend said as you groaned in displeasure.

"Mmm nooooo," you whined in protest. "Five more minutes. I was having a good dream..."

"Oh yeah?" you heard Bucky in a cheeky tone as his weight caused the bed to dip beside you. "What kind of dream?"

Flour Girl (Bucky x reader Bakery AU)Where stories live. Discover now