3: Meeting the Avengers

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TW: Self Harm (look for bold italicized words for start/end of TW scene).

"It's yours kid." Tony says with a smile. 

"No way Mr.Stark, thank you!" Peter says as he walks around the room, (literally) jumping off the walls. 

"I figured that since there's no new mission lately, and you're eager to help out, you could stay with us at the tower on weekends. You'd be helping me in the lab, and probably doing some training of your own so that you're prepared for the next mission. Is that alright?"

Peter jumps down from the ceiling and hugs Tony, catching him by surprise.
"Thank you Mr. Stark!"

"Hey, kid? You really gotta stop calling me Mr.Stark, it makes me feel old."

With a small smile, Peter nods and says, "Sorry sir."

"And no calling me 'sir' either!" Tony says as he walks away.

Peter shuts the door to his room and looks around. Tony has made this room look like Peter's room at the apartment, but this one is the size of his entire apartment. The room he stayed in last time he was here had been half as big and it had no decorations. But this one, this one is great and it feels like home. There are posters on the wall, science books in the bookcase, a desk with a new computer, and a big bed with a Spider-Man themed comforter. Peter is just getting comfortable when JARVIS startles him.

"Mr. Parker, welcome to the facility. Dinner is in an hour on floor 83."

"Okay JARVIS, thanks." 

Peter gets out of bed and starts going down the lift, but it stops halfway down. A woman with reddish-brown hair walks in, and is silent for a little bit before asking,

"Who are you?" 

Peter let's out a small squeak before replying,"I'm Peter, Peter Parker. Y-You're Black Widow, right?"

"Yeah. My name is Natasha, you can call me Nat. Your voice sounds familiar..."

"I'm Spider-Man, maybe you remember me?"

"You're Spider-Man? Shit, I thought you'd be older. Why are you leaving right before dinner?" 

"Ah I have to grab some things from my apartment but I'll be back before dinner starts." Peter explains as he walks out of the lift and into the lobby.

"See ya later kid." 

He swings back to the apartment, and after climbing through his window he starts packing a bag for the weekend.
"Toothbrush, binder, packer, other binder, Pajamas, jeans... ah there's something I'm forgetting..." he mutters to himself, not noticing May in the doorway.

"Underwear? Toothpaste?" Aunt May asks with a smirk, startling Peter.

"Oh! Thanks May."

"Pete?" She asks softly, "are you going to be okay?"

Peter pauses at that, and goes over to hug May.

"I'll be fine. It's just for the weekends and Tony is super nice. I just hope he doesn't find out about my... situation." Peter says as he gestures to his body.

"Oh sweetie, you're going to have to tell him at some point. It's better if he finds out directly from you and not on accident. I'm sure he'll be fine about it, and if there's an issue, you tell him to come talk to me so I can beat his ass."

At that, Peter smiles and says, "Alright aunt May, thank you... And thanks for letting me stay there for weekends, this internship is really important to me." 

He glances at the clock and returns to packing in a rush,  he only has 20 minuets until dinner starts. He lets May kiss him on the forehead before rushing out the door, shouting an "I love you" back at May as he sprints down the hall.

It's only 17 minuets later when he gets back to the Stark tower and sets his duffel bag on his bed. He unpacks a bit before JARVIS alerts him that dinner is ready. 

When he enters the kitchen, everyone stares at him. Tony breaks the awkwardness by clapping Peter on the shoulder and saying

"This is Peter Parker, who you probably know as Spider-man. He's gonna be staying with us on the weekends."Everyone nods and start introducing themselves before Peter interrupts.

"Y-You're Captain America! And you're Dr.Banner! I love your work, especially your scientific studies on molecular structures!"

"You can call me Bruce, and I'm surprised you can understand my work."

Peter blushes, about to say something but Captain America interrupts with "I'm Steve, and that's Clint Barton." He says, gesturing at the blond man sprawled on the couch. Peter gapes at Steve again,  and shakes his hand for an uncomfortable amount of time. Steve just smiles as Peter tries to comprehend that he's meeting all of his idols at once. Well, except for Thor, his all time favorite.

Tony seems to read Peters mind and says, "Thor couldn't make it tonight, he's somewhere in space doing something, probably dealing with his brother Loki." 

"Oh, okay. Will I get to meet him another time?"

Tony smiles and says "yeah kid, you will."

After everyone talks with Peter for a while and they eat dinner (which is some burnt lasagna that Steve made), they decide to settle down and watch a movie.

About halfway through the movie, Peter looks up to see Natasha staring straight at him. He brushes it off as nothing, but starts to get anxious when she keeps staring at him. His anxiety grows and he can feel an anxiety attack coming, so he mumbles an excuse about going to the bathroom. 

"What was that all about?" Tony asks worriedly

"Yeah he seemed really pale, I hope he's okay." Wanda says.

"It's been an exciting day for him, just give him some space, I'm sure he's fine." explained Natasha.

[34 Minuets Later]

"It's been over half an hour, I'm going to go check on him." Nat says as she jumps up from the couch.

In Peter's room (Peters POV):

The walls are closing in on me, the air is getting thick and I can't breathe, I'm going to die, I'm going to die. I'm hyperventilating, my chest hurts, I feel like I'm fading. I know this feeling. I would text Ned, but it's late and he's probably asleep. The same goes for MJ. 

A small "aarghhh" comes out of me as I struggle out of my binder. I toss on an oversized hoodie but I still can't breathe and it feels like I'm not myself anymore. I have no control. I reach into my pocket and take out a razor blade. I slice at the skin on my thighs and I watch as the blood comes out. Slowly, I start to calm down. But I don't feel so good. I'm sobbing and shaking on the bathroom floor when there's a knock at my door.

"Shit shit shit" I whisper before weakly calling out, "who is it?"
"Peter, it's Nat, are you okay? You've been gone for over half an hour."
"Yeah, I'm fine Nat." I shout, but there's a tremble in my voice and I'm obviously not fine. She catches on.

"Pete you can talk to me, tell me what's wrong." 

I'm too tired to respond. It's silent for a minute.

"Peter, you need to open the door now or I'm forcing my way in."

I'm getting really dizzy and things start to feel muffled. I hear a smashing sound before my vision goes dark and I pass out.

A/N: Okay well that chapter was kinda bad and there were lots of time jumps so I'm sorry about that...

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